Charles Soludo: Track record of performance, character and probity

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By Chief Greg C.E. Ukaigwe

In the academic sphere, economic world, and Nigeria’s vibrant socio-political landscape, the name Charles Chukwuma Soludo, CFR, continues to shine with unparalleled brilliance.

Since assuming office as Governor of Anambra State on March 17, 2022, after a resounding electoral victory, Prof. Soludo has embarked on a mission to redefine governance and development.

The foundation of his administration is anchored on Anambra’s 50-year Development Plan, which he played a pivotal role in crafting, and the people’s manifesto, famously known as the ‘’Soludo Solution’’.

Under his quintessential leadership, Anambra State has seen a dynamic focus on five critical pillars: Security, Law and Order; Infrastructure and Economic Transformation; Human Capital Development and Social Agenda; Governance and Value System; and Environment and Urban Regeneration. This holistic approach has already yielded impressive results across these domains, the states infrastructure, especially  in rural areas, has been revitalized, enhancing connectivity and stimulating economic activities.

One of the major focus of Governor Chukwuma Soludo administration in the past two years was war pursued with relentless vigor and commitment.

Prior to the coming of his administration in 2022, Anambra State was totally under siege by all manner of criminal elements who unleashed horror and terror on the people. There were rampant cases of kidnapping, Robbery and Killings of law abiding citizens almost on daily basis. The dastardly activities of these criminal elements have orchestrated so much fear in the state that people could no longer freely go their normal businesses; prominent Anambrarians were no longer willing to return to the state for fear of their lives, while economic and social activities were being hampered.

Against the background of this frightening scenario, Governor Soludo, immediately on assumption of office, declared total war against the menace of insecurity. He quickly setup a joint task force in collaboration with Federal Security Agencies and Anambra vigilante group to flush out all the criminal elements from their hideout. This sustained onslaught has yielded very encouraging result, so far over 60 camps located in various forests mostly in the Anambra South Senatorial Zone and Ogbaru Local Government Area in the North Senatorial Zone, which had been dreaded operating hideouts for the criminals, have completely destroyed.

This has significantly curtailed the activities of the non state actors, particularly the so called Unknown gun men, who had previously held the state in near hostage. Though there are still some flashes of criminal activities in some parts of the stale, especially in Ihiala and Ogbaru LGAs, the government is ever determined to ensure that they are totally neutralized and annihilated.


Since his assumption of office Governor Chukuwma Soludo, has vigorously embarked on massive road construction and rehabilitation of dilapidated roads and bridges across the state. Worried by the deplorable state of roads in the state, the Governor who aptly deserved to be called ‘’Mr. Project’’, has taken an unprecedented bold initiative in constructing  400km of roads across all 21 local governments in the state. Already, 247 kilometers have been completed within the first two years of his administration, while over 160 kilometers of ongoing road construction will be completed within the next one year. It must be noted that the state has never witnessed such high quality of roads built with cement stabilization and stone base before asphalting. This can only be described as Soludo’s standard, which will stand the test of time. But Governor Soludo transformation agenda for Anambra State is not only limited to road infrastructure, he has equally embarked on massive housing projects in various part of the state. One of such ambitious projects is the housing and infrastructural development on 214 hectares at Aguaba GRA IN Awa, which is speedily ongoing. The project which is in partnership with private estate developers is aimed at tackling accommodation challenges within and around Awka, the state Capital. This is in addition to draft design of 4,000 hectares of land for a new Awka city, while completing the acquisition of 5000 hectares of land for a new Onitsha city. In addition, the government has completed several abandoned housing projects located at Nnewi, Onitsha, Otuocha including the Anambra House in Lagos which was started in 2015 and completely abandoned.


In keeping with the infrastructural development master plan of his administration, Governor Soludo has undertaken to provide electricity to many communities that have not enjoyed such facility over the years. Among such communities where electricity is being extended for the first time in history are three communities in Aguleri-Otu namely: Mkpunando, Eziagu-otu and Enugwu-Otu. Also a 33KV line has been extended to Umuona from Agulu to boost power supply within the 14 communities in Agulu and beyond. In addition, the government has created a policy/regulation framework aimed at providing the enabling environment for private sector participation in the power sector in the state. Equally the Anambra power committee set up by the Soludo administration to drive the Light up Anambra project is working assiduously with strategic partners towards achieving the lofty vision of the government in providing affordable power supply to the people at the shortest possible time. Also, the government is diversifying the state energy mix into clean and cost saving solar. Consequently, about 26,199 diesel powered streetlights have been converted to solar power, which is in line with the policy of the administration of doing more with less and protecting the environment. This is also being extended to public offices where over 60 units of solar home systems (inverter systems) ranging from 5KVA – 10KVA have been installed in some public offices. While there is ongoing statewide conversion of all water schemes in the state to hybrid solutions (powered by solar and the grid). This is another remarkable achievement by the Soludo administration ever in the history of Anambra state.


The Governor Soludo administration in the past two years has concluded a comprehensive transportation master plan, that will provide modernize, effective and efficient transportation system in the state. This includes, rail master plan, water transportation master plan and a master plan for dualization of trunk A federal and state highways.

The process for modernizing water transportation in the state has commenced with the purchase of speed boat, water buses and patrol boats. The government is also committed to ensuring safer waterway transportation. Moreso, the government has taken various measures to boost maritime activities in the state.


One other area that is receiving topmost priority of the Soludo administration is poverty eradication. The government believes that this can be achieved by empowering the people through agriculture. In this direction, the government has embarked on agrarian revolution similar to what was witnessed in the time of Dr. Michael Okpara the Premier of the former eastern region of Nigeria.

Leveraging on massive arable land in the state, the government has embarked on distributing between 5,000 or 10,000,000 early fruiting variety of hybrid coconut and oil palm seedlings to over 500,000 households especially the poor and vulnerable in the state. It is expected this has the potentials to unleash a new agro industrial ecosystem that has potential for massive wealth creation.

So far about 1,140,000 of the hybrid seedlings have been distributed to 130,000 households. The government is optimistic that this very novel and laudable programmes will naturally result in sustainable livelihood for hundreds of thousands who would be lifted out poverty and contribute to accelerate agricultural production in the state. Indeed, the vision of the Soludo administration is for the state to become self sufficient in food production and sufficiency.


Education, they say is the bedrock of any society. Dwelling on this premises and notion, Governor Soludo, who himself is a renowned  educationist, had made provision of qualitative and affordable education one of the major programme of his administration. Towards this objective, he has made primary education free in the state while secondary school student are except to pay N5,000, which is retained within the school for operational expenses.

Unlike in the past where the schools were left without teachers, or at most had to do with unqualified teachers, the Soludo administration has taken measures to ensure mass recruitment of qualified teachers into the school system. The government, within the first Nine months in office, undertook recruitment of 5,000 teachers through transparent and merit base selection process, while another 3,000 teachers are being recruited to bring the number to 8,000 teachers.

Equally, the government acquired and distributed 2,000 laptop computers to teachers/Head of schools as part of the effort in providing them with ICT working tools.

Similarly, the government approved the upgrade of 60 schools to smart schools to be completed this year (2024). It also introduced a public-private community partnership (PPCP) model, fostering community ownership of public schools through a club of Patrons in each community. Over 30 Philanthropists have keyed into the imitative by building or refurbishing schools. All these robust policies and programmes by Governor Soludo administration in the education sector have started yielding the required positive result. This can be attested by the performance of the state in various National and International school competitions. Anambra state is now being rated as most educationally advanced state in the country, which is attributed to Governor Soludo visionary and pragmatic leadership.

Despite inheriting lean financial resources, Soludo’s administration has practically demonstrated remarkable fiscal prudence. Eschewing the temptation to borrow despite having legislative approval to do so, he has steered Anambra State to be ranked among the top five states in fiscal sustainability by BudGit, a proof of his intuitive and pragmatic approach to public finance management and accountability.

Governor Soludo’s accomplishment in just over two (2) years are a harbinger of greater things to come, positioning Anambra as a model of progress and overall development.

Going by the humongous amounts Governor Soludo has massively invested in human resources development, Anambrarians thinks that Governor Soludo has spent all the state funds on education and giving employment to the citizens, then wait and see what he is doing in the modern city transformation and in the infrastructural sector. Soludo’s selling point become clear on assuming office he promptly declared a state of emergency on roads in the state, and with the spirit of providing ‘’solution’’ Governor Soludo quickly followed it up with matching action.

He flagged off the construction of hundreds of kilometres of roads across all the local government areas of the state and most of them have since been completed. One unique thing about Governor Soludo’s projects is that they are evenly and equitably distributed to all parts and segments of the state. No community needs to lobby or have influential personalities before their areas could attract government projects with Governor Soludo, every community is important, every area while expanding and dualising most of the existing roads. For instance, several streets in Onitsha metropolis, the commercial nerve center of Anambra State, have through better road construction and street lighting been transformed into facilities berating a modern city. Needless to mention, Awka the state capital has witnessed massive infrastructural augmentation in the last two years. It is fast assuming the prestigious status of the capital of a bubbling smart mega city that Anambra is on transit to. So far, the State has to become a huge construction site as massive road work simultaneously goes on in every part of the State. While constructing durable roads, the Soludo’s government is also making unprecedented strides in erosion control and mitigation. Governor Soludo’s achievements are spectacular and so far has met the needs of the people.

Going forward, since the creation of Anambra state in 1991, the state has not got a permanent Government House or a secretariat except the make-shift arrangements that all the past governors have managed with. Most Exhilarated to disclose that, before clocking two years in office, Governor Soludo embarked on holistic housing development first with the construction of government House and government lodge including the expansion of Commissioner’s quarters as well as making impressive progress in housing the judiciary, and so on. These are substantial progress and excellent performance by Governor Soludo that will warrant the people to re-elect in 2025.  Without doubt, Governor Soludo has come to lay the veritable foundation of Anambra state after thirty-two years of its creation.

Looking at the gargantuan structures put in these areas, many have continued to wonder how the funds for these and other numerous projects are generated. More importantly, the humongous successes actually lies in the “Solution” which to me, is the judicious deployment of state resources for problem solving and prevention purpose with expert managerial prudence and zero tolerance for corruption.

His scorecard is evidence that the people want Governor Soludo to continue the good work he is doing, for instance, the health sector is not left out in the development and transformation spree.

Governor Soludo has announced that he will build one world class General Hospital in each local government area, and work is in progress.

Additionally, the government has built and equipped eye care centers in many of the existing general Hospitals. Also, Governor Soludo declared free antenatal state. Nevertheless, his government did embarked on the renovation of three (3) General Hospitals in the state which include Ekwulobia, Enugwu-ukwu and Umueri.

Conclusively, Governor Souldo is presently riding on the wave of the greatest public acceptance. In a world where leadership is often marked by fleeting moments, Soludo’s enduring impact and the unprecedented strides made under his government affirm that indeed “The Solution is Here” Anambra State stands tall, getting reinvented a leader whose vision and action continue to inspire hope and promise of a brighter future for all, having built legacy, trust, mutual respect and understanding among Anambrarians.

Chief Greg C.E. Ukaigwe, fnipr is a public affairs analyst, prolific writer and commentator

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