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Ogundipe on strengthening quality of teaching, discipleship in Christian Education

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Former Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos, Professor Toyin Ogundipe, has recommended that emphasis on the significance of continuous personal discipleship and growth in Christ as one of the things that will strengthen the quality of teaching and discipleship in Christian Education.

Prof. Ogundipe stated this as a Guest Speaker while delivering a paper on” Effective Teaching and Discipleship through Christian Education” at the 2nd MGO Birthday Public Lecture in honour of Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye (Mother in Israel RCCG) on her 75th birthday.

The theme of the Lecture is: “Effective Teaching & Discipleship Through Christian Education” and the event was held at Province Coordinating Hall, RCCG, Redemption City, Mowe Ogun State on Thursday.

Other recommendations of Prof. Ogundipe that will strengthen the quality of teaching and discipleship in Christian Education, include: Developing a well-balanced curriculum that integrates Biblical teachings into various subjects and aspects of life; encouraging teachers and mentors to continually enhance their knowledge and understanding of the Bible; employing diverse instructional methods that cater for different learning styles and effectively engage students;  fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment that embraces diversity and promotes respectful dialogue; and collaborating  with parents and the church community to reinforce and support the teachings of Christian education.

Stating that effective teaching and discipleship through Christian education require a purposeful and intentional approach, the former Unilag VC said the key aspects to consider were: Foundation in the Word of God; Cultivating a Personal Relationship with Christ; Exemplifying Christ-like Character; Encouraging Active Engagement; and Fostering a Community of Believers.

On the Biblical provisions of the importance of effective teaching and discipleship through Christian Education, Ogundipe stated: “Christian Education assumes that the right people have been recruited to manage the school. By implication; teachers, school administrators, and non-teaching staff are transformed and also disciples of Jesus Christ”.

According to Prof. Ogundipe, the Bible verses that highlight the importance of effective teaching and discipleship are Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (ESV); Proverbs 22:6 (ESV); 2 Timothy 2:2 (ESV); 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV); and Ephesians 4:11-12 (ESV).

“The bible verses underscore the significance of effective teaching and discipleship through Christian education. It emphasizes the transformative power of Biblical instruction, the importance of early foundations, the role of parents and guardians, the multiplication of disciples, and the equipping of believers for ministry. By embracing these principles, Christian education can effectively fulfill its purpose of nurturing spiritual growth and empowering individuals to live as faithful followers of Jesus Christ”, Ogundipe said.

He then concluded that: “Effective teaching and discipleship are the means to birth a positive change in our nation and the means of raising generations of young people that will occupy for Jesus in all spheres of life”.

While the Father of the Day was Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, General Overseer, RCCG, the Chairperson of the occasion was Pastor (Mrs.) Oretayo Adetola (Member BoT, RCCG).


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