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State police, residency database, improved economy, ranching’ll curb insecurity, says Diyene–Cliff

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A human rights activist and community leader, Hon. Nalazzai Diyene-Cliff, has said that the introduction of state police, ranching as a pattern of livestock and the establishment of a central national residency database  would provide for pragmatic security with deep  penetration and effective strategies that would optimally ensure security of lives and property in the country.

Diyene-Cliff, who made these remarks in Lagos during the week on the state of the nation, explained that the call for the establishment of a state police was not an aberration as it would promote a high sense of commitment on the people by government.

He stressed that with the arrangement that the state police would be staffed with people from the local communities where they have deep knowledge about the terrain would ensure the enthronement and maintenance of peace at the grassroots.

The human rights activist advised the leaders to do things in a better way in line with advanced countries such as the United States of America, France and Canada, where all the states in their countries have their own police.

Dineye-Cliff also advocated for the establishment of a central national residency database to solve the security gap of identity challenge of loose neighbouring borders, terrorist activities, crime and criminalities, unemployment, poverty and leaderships distrust.

He added that central national database would also help in statistical planning, realistic budget, data for national growth and development, immigrants’ control and surveillance.

The community leader, however, counselled on the deployment of technology to scale up surveillance in the approximately 1,400 illegal entry border points into the country and streamline video to security team to assess the level of danger and identify the appropriate response, stressing that security cannot be efficiently contained through physical checking or manned surveillance approach.

Speaking on the need for an improved economy, he urged the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to reduce the floating rate to enable import and export of goods have a stable process in ease of doing business, thereby creating a healthy relationship between demand and supply, preventing scarcity, inflation, fall in the value of domestic currency and reduction in the purchasing power parity.

Dineye-Cliff, who equally described ranching as the most civilized pattern of livestock management that would address farmers and herders’ crisis, cattle rustling and food insecurity as it would set out protocols and restrictions on open grazing, however, noted that the enforcement of movement of the cattle and their handlers would be regulated by an agency of government created by law.

For a better society

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