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Reps inaugurate Ad-hoc Committee to investigate disposal of public assets. 

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Jonas Ezieke, Abuja
The House of Representatives on Monay in Abuja inaugurated an ad-hoc committee to investigate the disposal of public assets by agencies of government, the illegalities associated with the exercise, and the non-remittance of revenue accrued to the consolidated revenue fund.
The Committee which has the leader of the House Prof. Julius Ihonvbere as Chairman constituted was sequel to a motion that was considered by the House that sought to investigate the illegal auctioning of properties in the Nigerian Ports Authority, Nigerian Maritime administration, and safety agency, Railway Corporation, River basin development authority, and the Nigerian Customs Service.
Speaking at the inauguration of the committee Prof Julius Ihonvbere who inaugurated the panel on behalf of the Speaker, Rt Hon Tajudeen Abbas said the house will he guided by relevant constitutional provisions in carrying out its functions.
“In executing this exercise the Committee will rely on the relevant sections of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, (as amended), the Standing Orders of the House of Representatives, and the inherent jurisdiction of the National Assembly. In the course of this work, we have written letters to all the agencies concerned requesting information on the subject matter, and many of you did not bother to respond to our letter. We hope to physically visit the Agencies, examine your books, and conduct a physical inspection of all public properties acquired to determine the ones sold and procedures adopted for the exercise”.
“As the representatives of the Nigerian people we will deploy all constitutional means to ensure that we achieve the mandate of the House. I will drive this process in
cooperation with my colleagues to the satisfaction and the expectations of the people. In the course of this assignment, we Will look at extant laws including the code of ethics governing the operation of the public service”.
Prof. Ihonvbere asserted the readiness of the House to adhere to global best practices in the investigation further expressing confidence in the capacity of committee members to do justice to the legislative assignment.
Meanwhile the Ad-hoc Comittee has summoned six notable agencies to appear before it to explain their role in the disposal or auctioning of public assets in their custody
The affected agencies according to the committee chairman include the Nigeria Ports Authority NPA, Nigeria Maritime Administration and Safety Agency NIMASA, Nigeria Railway Corporation NRC, Nigeria Customs Service NCS, Anambra/Imo River Basin Development Authority, Osun River Development Authority and the Federal Ministry of Water Resoureces.
Hon. Ihonvbere had cited the provisions of sections 88, 98 and 65 of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as amended) to assert that the National Assembly has the constitutional powers to invite any person or government agency that is in charge or intended to be in charge of the administration of public funds in which the parliament has the powers to make laws.

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