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Osun PDP Primary: Police beef up security, assure adequate security

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Blessing Akorowosi, Osogbo
Osun State Police Command has assured residents of adequate security during and after the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Primary election in the state slated for Tuesday, March 8, 2022.
This was contained in a press release issued by the command spokesperson, Yemisi Opalola on Monday.
The Commissioner of Police, Wale Olokode urged politicans to conduct themselves in line with the Electoral Acts 2010.
He said, “The Police and other security agencies in the State will provide a level playing ground for all aspirants and all the eligible electorates/delegates to exercise their franchise while we will not hesitate to deal decisively and within the ambit of law, with anyone, group of persons who might attempt to foment trouble or disrupt the smooth conduct of the election.
“Therefore, Osun State Police Command is using this medium to appeal to parents and guardians, to warn their children and wards to stay out of trouble during this period of elections and beyond.
“They should not allow themselves to be used by any vicious politicians to cause crisis in the State as the command will not tolerate any kind of thuggery, gangsterism and hooliganism.”
The CP assured residents of safety adding that they can freely go about their daily lawful activities.
“The Command has taken necessary security measures to forestall any likely breakdown of law and order,” he stated.

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