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Job Creation: NGO trains 50 persons/graduates on exploring opportunities in Private Business

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A Non-Governmental Organization named Kemak Foundation,  has trained 50 persons including graduates on exploring opportunities in Private Sector Business.
Participants at the Seminar held at the weekend, were mostly graduates drawn from eight Nigerian Universities.
Delivering a lecture, the Guest Speaker and an Associate at PWC Nigeria Mr Kenneth Nwafor,
emphasized that there were lucrative opportunities for Nigerian graduates, particularly in the organized private sector.
He reiterated that the importance of mentorship and other relevant skills in seeking employment  can not be emphasized.
 Mr Kenneth recalled his personal experience with job hunting as well other participants stating that graduates face the pressure of finding decent jobs, especially after completing their National Youth Service Corp (NYSC).
 According to him, *such pressure if not properly managed, can lead to depression and desperation*
Kenneth emphasized the significance of having access to relevant information, and urged participants to actively seek information on available job opportunities.
*I advise you to be open to new opportunities and not to limit yourselves to your  field of study.
He advised recent graduates to prepare a simple Curriculum Vitae (CV) and send it to an experienced professional for review, as well as to always include a cover letter when submitting their CV.
According to him, checking emails frequently, including the spam folder, could save them from missing out on valuable invitations to lucrative job opportunities.
Earlier in a remark, the Director of Kemak Foundation Dr Makuachukwu Ojide, stated that the seminar was organized in line  with one of the Foundation’s mandates that focused  on youth mentorship, as a vehicle for promoting decent jobs and youth inclusive economic growth.
He opined, *securing decent jobs like achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), requires proper planning and execution of such plans*
*I enjoin participants to be deliberate in their plans to secure decent employment, dissuade yourselves from believing the widely held belief that one cannot find gainful employment in Nigeria without connections to decision*
* the country’s organized private sectors offer promising opportunities for graduates who are prepared to provide service*.
* the private sector is not a charitable organization that hires anyone, making jobs available for graduates who have the right mindset and motivation to work*
*I encourage you to consider volunteer work while actively seeking gainful employment,  volunteer work allows graduates to build their profiles by including their accomplishments in their Curriculum Vitae*
Contributing, Mr Fredrick Oko-Otu, a Research Assistant Kemak Foundation /who anchored the seminar, encouraged young graduates to be resilient and apply everything they had learned.
In an interview some  participants including  Mrs Mary Nkwegu, described the education seminar as “very interactive,” and expressed gratitude to the Kemak Foundation for Enhancing Sustainable Livelihood for hosting such an educational event.

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