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Empowering Anambra’s Future: Soludo Gets Bullish On Free Education

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By Christian ABURIME


“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X


Contemporary Nigeria is a society where quick fixes and material acquisitions seem to be preferred in charting a path to economic power and social importance. Some of our youth, especially, are fixated on the fast lane to fortune. Yet, a more enduring value like education is the propeller of human advancement. It is the catalyst for innovation, the engine of economic growth, and the crucible of social change.


In essence, education is the key to unlocking the full potential of both individuals and societies. A leader who then champions free education demonstrates a profound understanding of the life-changing power of knowledge. By removing financial barriers to learning, proactive leaders empower individuals to unlock their full potential, contributing to a more equitable and prosperous society and acquiring abilities needed to adapt to a rapidly changing world.


In a move that echoes the progressive spirit of great education-loving leaders such as Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Anambra State Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo, CFR, has taken a monumental step towards securing a brighter future for the youth of his state. With the announcement of total free education in all government schools from nursery through secondary level, Governor Soludo has continued to prove his deep compassion for the disadvantaged while reaffirming his commitment to education as the ultimate equalizer in society.


The parallels Governor Soludo with Chief Awolowo’s pioneering free education policy in Western Nigeria of yesteryears are striking. Just as Awolowo’s vision lifted countless families out of poverty and created opportunities for generations, Soludo’s bold initiative promises to break the “dynasties of poverty” that have trapped many Anambra families in cycles of deprivation due to lack of access to quality education.


At a meeting with headteachers and teachers in Anambra State recently, Governor Soludo’s speech reveals a leader who truly understands the catalytic power of education. His words, “Education is the key to unlocking the future,” pack a profound truth that has been proven time and again throughout history. By ensuring that every child, regardless of their family’s economic status, has access to quality education, Governor Soludo is laying the foundation for a more prosperous and equitable Anambra State.


What sets Governor Soludo apart from the typical politician is his judicious and strategic approach to governance. Rather than resorting to short-term populist measures or reckless distribution of state resources, he has chosen to invest in human capital, Anambra’s “better than oil asset.” This foresight shows a true statesman’s vision, one that looks beyond immediate political gains to the long-term welfare of the state and its people.


But the governor’s dedication to breaking the cycle of poverty in Anambra through education is not merely rhetorical. His administration has already taken concrete steps, recruiting 8,115 teachers so far, refurbishing laboratories, procuring laptops and other modern educational aids, and partnering with mission schools to improve educational standards across the board. The recent surge in school enrollment and the dramatic reduction in out-of-school children in the state are proofs of the effectiveness of these policies.


Perhaps most impressively, Governor Soludo has achieved this educational revolution without resorting to reckless borrowing. His fiscal responsibility, coupled with his resolute focus on human capital development, sets a new standard for governance in Nigeria.


As one reflects on this significant free education policy, we are reminded of Chief Awolowo’s echoing words: “The children of the poor you failed to train will never let your children have peace.” Governor Soludo, through his progressive leadership, is ensuring that no child in Anambra is left behind. He is educating a generation, and he is building a future where every Anambra citizen has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Indeed, one can’t help but feel that a whole new chapter is being written in the history of Nigerian education.

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