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Zulum congratulates Tinubu for emerging APC presidential candidate

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AHMED MARI,  Maiduguri



Governor Babagana Umara Zulum of Borno state has congratulated  Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu for his emergence as flag-bearer of the All Progressives Congress (APC)


The Governor in a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Strategy, Mallam Isa Gusau said the Governor also congratulated President Muhammadu Buhari, national leaders and all stakeholders of the APC, for the successful conduct of our primaries.

“Without the slightest doubt, Asiwaju’s antecedents as a freedom fighter (for the entrenchment of democracy in Nigeria) which culminated into his founding role in the APC’s formation, makes his choice very unique for our party,” the statement noted.

The Governor said, “among his many attributes, Asiwaju is known for his exceptional wisdom in identifying, nurturing and assembling talented persons regardless of their ethnic and religious identities.


“Asiwaju is also known to reward such talented and productive persons by supporting and building them into becoming highly resourceful leaders, as we have seen across the Southwest and possibly beyond.”


“This uncommon trait has made Asiwaju to standout in comity of leaders,” the statement added.

“On behalf of all our party stakeholders in Borno State, I congratulate Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu and our party, for the victory yesterday. May Allah make Asiwaju’s choice one that immensely benefit all Nigerians regardless of where they live, their ethnicity, religion and political identities,” Zulum said.



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