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Workers Welfare:Gov Nwifuru vows to address poverty among workers/rift with State Government

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Governor Francis Nwifuru of Ebonyi State has assured the organized Labour in the State, that his administration would address incidence of poverty confronting workers geared towards ending the rift with the State government.

Nwifuru gave the assurance at the Government House Abakaliki when he received members of the organized Labour comprising Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) who besieged his office after a solidarity march to celebrate his victory at the Supreme Court.

“I am challenged when I came into office, by the level of poverty and misunderstanding, between the workers and the management leaders of our great State”

“I look at the other way I discovered that our workers needs absolutely nothing”

“If you take what Governor’s spend in areas of travelling, and unnecessary expenses ,it is less than what our workers take”

The Governor commended the workers for the solidarity march, assuring that this was just the beginning .

“I told the Secretary to the Government and the Chief of Staff when they visited me that this is just the beginning”

The State Chief Executive noted that the government will ensure that the welfare of teachers and Headmaster’s will be improved in no distant measure.

“This administration you see today, am sure so many workers from other States will definitely envy you”

“The workers of our State opt for the best, the person you selected to be NLC Chairman is one of our best, that is what encouraged me”

“I believe in the unity of our State , since this NLC Chairman emerged, let us support him, I told my brother who was in the other side to forget about that”

“I want to tell you, it’s better for you to querrel with me than to praise me, this administration you see, is a great challenge to the people of Ebonyi State ”

Earlier in an address, the State Chairman of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) Professor Ogugua Egwu , said that the solidarity March was organized to appreciate the Governor on his Supreme Court victory.

“This solidarity March is organized in appreciation, it is an appreciation from our heart’

“You did not just start by treating us well, you started by adding N10,000 to workers salary, in less than three months, you cleared the backlog of allowances of retirees”

” You equipped our General hospitals with the right man power, today they are working as they are being paid,

“It is not out of place for Ebonyi workers to congratulate you on your victory at the Supreme Court’

According to him,” with this solidarity match, we have been able to express our appreciation, our renewed hope , renewed energy to serve ”

“When the workers were weary of the Yuletide, when workers were asking themselves, how do I get chicken for my family, you decided to pacify all workers in Ebonyi State

“You directed the Local Government Chairmen to do the needful for workers at the Local government areas”

In a remark the Chairman of Trade Union Congress (TUC) commended Governor Nwifuru for paying Gratuity and pension to retired Civil Servants.

Contributing the former Chairman of NLC , Comrade Ikechukwu Nwafor extolled the leadership qualities of the Governor with particular reference to the welfare package of workers.

In attendance during the Solidarity March included the State Chairman of Trade Union Congress Chairman Comrade Chidi Igboji, former National President of National Union of Local Government Employees Comrade Kingsley Ogba, members of affiliate Unions namely Medical and Health Workers Union, Association of Senior Civil Servants, Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) and Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) among others.

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