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Supreme Court Judgement: Uche Ogah congratulates  Gov Alex Otti on his victory

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The former Minister of State Mines and Steel Development of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Uchechukwu S. Ogah   has hailed the supreme court judgement that affirmed the victory of Dr. Alex Otti. of Abia state at the 2023 gubernatorial election in the state.


Ogah, in a congratulatory message to the governor, described the judgement as a strong assurance that Dr. Otti is nominated by God to serve our people, elected by the masses of Abia and now affirmed by the apex court.


In his words ‘ It is with great joy in my heart that I congratulate you once again my dear brother and friend on your affirmation by the Supreme Court as the duly elected Governor of our dear state, Abia.


‘’Indeed, with this last and final judicial victory, it is now clear to all and sundry that you were nominated by God to serve our people, elected by the masses of Abia and now affirmed by the apex court. ‘’


‘’I’m particularly glad by this your victory as we both share a deep sense of commitment and duty (for wealth creation and poverty reduction to our home state, Abia, going by our respective backgrounds in the private sector).


Dr Ogar gave Special thanks to the learned Justices of the Supreme Court for maintaining the sanctity of our constitution and upholding the general wish of Abians which they expressed during the gubernatorial election.


‘’I also appreciate in no small measure, the great and indefatigable people of Abia State who displayed their doggedness and utter resoluteness during the election and have kept faith with your administration while this case lasted in court and today, their will and choice at the poll remain supreme.


Again, my constant prayer to God for you, our dear Governor is for sustained clarity of purpose, vision and unassailable will in the discharge of the onerous demands of your office as the Executive Governor of Abia State, especially as you continue to change the trajectory of bad leadership in Abia.

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