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Senate Summons Service Chiefs Over Plateau massacre

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Adekunle Adesuji, Abuja


Senate has summoned service chiefs over Plateau massacre which claimed over 160 lives in Bokkos, Mangu, Barkin-Ladi LGAs, and other communities of the state.


Senate is expected to meet the Service Chiefs at a closed door session according to the resolution of the Senate.


Senate resolution was sequel to the amendment to the prayers on recent killing in Plateau state by Senator Adams Oshiomole in a motion sponsored by Senator Diket Plang.


Oshiomole while calling on Senate to summon service chiefs said the service chiefs need to know that the country is angry and they have failed in their duty, and there must be consequences for failure.

Oshomole said the service chiefs has assured that security has been beefed up around Plateau.


He asked for  the summon of the service chiefs to explain why they should not be held responsible for the killing.


Leading debate on the motion, senator  Plang lamented that the recent attack appeared to be a well- coordinated and well-orchestrated with about 20 villages  attacked simultaneously, leading to the loss of about 195 lives with others having varying degrees of life threatening injuries and permanent deformities.


He noted that the Plateau State known as the Home of Peace and Tourism is gradually losing its once peaceful nature and atmosphere due to incessant crisis and attacks by marauding criminals.


He added, “Mangu, Bokkos and Barkin Ladi Local Government Areas of Plateau State located within the Plateau North and Plateau Central Senatorial Districts have consistently come under attack by criminal elements in the last few months, with the recent attack on the 24th of December 2023 (Christmas Eve), while many were celebrating the Christmas season, leading to wanton destruction of lives and properties and a black Christmas for inhabitants of the crisis areas;”


In his submission senator Simon Lalong expressed disappointment on the  security report that attributed the failure of the security agencies to arrest the situation to  proximity ,  terrain and distance  of the affected  villages.


He  lamented that the attack  had become a recurring decimal where every  Christmas Eve in Plateau comes with attacks on villages


He proposed the involvement of  traditional rulers in the fight against

Insecurity while also proposing the creation of a North Central Commission  for the development of the Zone .



Another senator who was quick to condenm the attack , Titus Zam lamented that Benue state has had its own  share of attacks leading to deaths of several persons.



The Federal Lawmaker said that there is no difference  in the security situation of the country in the last six months


He narrated his ordeal while in his village to celebrate Christmas,  where an attack led to the loss of three persons and  several others  injured


He however called  for a robust  National security summit that will come up with  resolution on best and lasting ways to curb insecurity in the country



Senate thereafter observed a minute silence at plenary in honour of the victims and decided to send a high powered delegation led by the Uncommon President of the Senate to the crisis areas to condole with the victims.


The Senate further urged the Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs to direct its agencies to provide relief materials especially building materials to the victims of the crisis with immediate effect to enable them relocate back to their homes and decongest the IDP camps.


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