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Obi’s emergence on May 29’ll give fresh breath to Nigerians, says Lagos LP

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-Party ready to take over Lagos, Ekong led-c’ttee boasts




The Labour Party in Lagos State on Wednesday said with the growing support the party is enjoying nationwide, the presidential candidate of the party, Peter Obi would lead give fresh breath for Nigeria if the standard-bearer wins come February 25.


This assertion came to fore during the inauguration of 25-member Caretake Committee of Labour Party in Lagos at its office, Allen, Ikeja, Lagos.


The Party had been embroiled in internal wrangling but with the inauguration of Dayo Ekong Committee by the national body, the party leadership believes in making surprises in the presidential and gubernatorial elections in Lagos.



Aside the representatives of the national body of the party, representative of Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC also attended the inauguration.


Siome of the newly inaugurated members are Chairman, Pastor Dayo Ekong, Pastor Lanre Adenuga (Deputy Chairman), Sam Emeka Okpala (Secretary), Lady (Pst.) Funke Awolowo (Deputy Zonal Chairman), Hon. Dauda Kayode Yusuf (Deputy Zonal Chairman), Lady Jennifer Ukachi (Treasurer), Barr. Abass Ibrahim (Legal Adviser), Hajia Amina Agnes (Woman Leader), Olubena Abiodun (Youth Leader), among others.


The national legal adviser of the party, Akingbade Oyelekan who inaugurated the committee on behalf of the national body expressed confidence that LP was positoned to win the elections, noting that Lagos is sensitive in the country and that necessitated the seriousness attached to the newly constituted body in the State.


Oyelekan said, “I recall about five months ago, I was here to inaugurate the then exco but we have new exco that will take the party to the next level. For the first time, Labour Party is the first to be  gendar sensitive in every part of the country, Lagos will not be an exception.


“I want to state emphatically that the inauguration of the caretake committee today is the final and got the approval of the national party and the chairman. No exco exists outside what we have done today. The Dayo Ekong led -exco is the authentic, disregard any other faction.


“Lagos is a fundamental base for Labout Party now. This is why we have to put our house in order to win the presidential election. I’m aware we have contenders, but the anointing one is the Labour Party candidate.


“They claim we don’t have structure but now our structure is all over the world. Please go and work because by the time we are done, we want to get Lagos 100 percent,” he stated.


In her acceptance speech, Ekong said, “Today history is being made in Lagos. There is new exco. I want to applaud our national body for having confidence to put a woman- myself as the chairman of Labour Party in Lagos.


“I would like to say that I am here to work. I’m here to run an all-inclusive government. It is important for you to know just as the legal adviser said, there is no faction in Labour Party. That it is important to note that it is the legal body that inaugurated this committee.led by myself.


“Since inception, on the 10th of January, we have made progress, we have to tidy up our house. Less than 37 days to the election , there is no time for quarrelling. It is for us to work well and get victory.


“I want to assure all Nigerians that it is a new dawn. We are having insecurity challenges, people cannot close their eyes and sleep but now they believe wtih Obi, thee is hope. I can assure you that victory has come to stay for us in Labour Party.


“I want to assure Nigerian youths, we have your backing. I can assure you when Peter Obi gets to office, you can be rest assured that Nigerians will be better. Nigeria wiil give you the hope, that you will be happy when Labour Party takes over.


“A lot of people is apprehensive going to bed especially in some parts of the country where a whole family would be wipe out. We are assuring Nigerians of sanity and sanctity will come back come May 29. Nigeria will have fresh breath that will give people hope,” Ekong stated.


She however warned the opposition parties to stop harassing their supporters in the State, saying “All these harassments should stop. We are not disturbing you, you should not terrorize us. Nobody can oppress any Labour Party in this Lagos State,” she boasted.


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