Champion Newspapers Limited
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NPAN demands immediate release of two abducted journalists in Kaduna

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The Newspaper Proprietors’ Association of Nigeria (NPAN), is concerned over the safety of Messers Abdulgafar Alabelewe and Mr. AbdulRaheem Abdu, the Kaduna state’s correspondents of The Nation and Blue Print newspapers respectively, who were abducted last weekend.

More worrying is the prolonged silence from their abductors who seized the journalists along with members of their families, including wives and children.

The trauma induced on both their biological and professional families by this condemnable event, are better imagined

We call on the Federal Government to ensure the safe return of the journalists and their families, by deploying all the necessary security assets at its disposal.

We stand in sympathy with the families as we pray for their safe return.

We appeal to their abductors to ensure that none of them come to harm but returned all safely

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