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Ned Nwoko sponsors Act to Establish Nigerian Defence Academy in Delta State

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Senator Ned Munir Nwoko , representing Delta North has conversed for the establishment of an additional Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) in Delta State, as it is  necessary to address the growing population and security needs of Nigeria;

Nwoko stated this in  bill  titled  “Bill for an Act to Amend the Nigerian Defence Academy Establishment Act for the Establishment of an Additional Nigerian Defence Academy in Delta State and for Other Related Matters

Hereunder is the full details:


“NDA Kaduna” refers to the existing Nigerian Defence Academy located in Kaduna State.

“NDA Delta” refers to the proposed additional Nigerian Defence Academy to be established in Delta State.

Section 1: Name, Location, and Jurisdiction

1.1 There shall be established an additional Nigerian Defence Academy, to be known as the Nigerian Defence Academy Delta (NDA Delta), situated in Delta State.

1.2 The jurisdiction of NDA Delta shall be distinct and shall operate in conjunction with NDA Kaduna under the general framework of the Nigerian Defence Academy.

Section 2: Establishment and Purpose

2.1 The purpose of NDA Delta shall be to train officers for the Armed Forces of Nigeria in alignment with the mission and objectives of the existing NDA Kaduna.

2.2 NDA Delta shall adhere to academic and military standards prescribed by the National Universities Commission and the Nigerian Armed Forces, respectively.

Section 3: Authority and Oversight

3.1 The establishment, administration, and oversight of NDA Delta shall be under the authority of the Ministry of Defence, in collaboration with the National Universities Commission and the Armed Forces Council.

3.2 A Governing Board shall be constituted to oversee the operations, finances, and policy direction of NDA Delta, comprising representatives from the Ministry of Defence, the Nigerian Armed Forces, academia, and other relevant stakeholders.

Section 4: Admissions, Curriculum, and Degrees

4.1 NDA Delta shall admit candidates based on specified criteria, including academic qualifications, physical fitness, and character evaluation.

4.2 The curriculum of NDA Delta shall include military, academic, and leadership training consistent with the standards set by NDA Kaduna.

4.3 NDA Delta shall have the authority to confer degrees in accordance with the guidelines and regulations stipulated by the National Universities Commission.

Section 5: Infrastructure, Resources, and Staffing

5.1 Adequate funding and resources shall be allocated for the establishment and continuous operation of NDA Delta, including infrastructure, equipment, and training facilities.

5.2 Qualified academic and military personnel shall be recruited for teaching, research, and administration at NDA Delta, adhering to the standards set by the Armed Forces.

5.3 NDA Delta shall have civilian academic staff and military instructors to facilitate a comprehensive educational experience.

Section 6: Operational Guidelines and Conduct

6.1 NDA Delta shall operate under strict military discipline and shall adopt operational guidelines consistent with the Nigerian Armed Forces’ regulations.

6.2 Codes of conduct and disciplinary measures for cadets and staff shall be established, ensuring adherence to military standards and ethos.

Section 7: Reporting and Review

7.1 NDA Delta shall submit annual reports on its activities, academic performance, and infrastructure developments to the Ministry of Defence and the National Universities Commission.

7.2 A periodic review shall be conducted by an independent body to assess the effectiveness, adherence to standards, and overall progress of NDA Delta.

Section 8: Miscellaneous Provisions

8.1 The Ministry of Defence, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, may issue regulations or guidelines necessary for the effective implementation of this Act.

8.2 Any matters not explicitly addressed in this Act shall be determined by the Governing Board of NDA Delta in alignment with the existing laws and regulations.

Section 9: Commencement, Citation, and Short Title

9.1 This Act may be cited as the Nigerian Defence Academy (Establishment of NDA Delta) Act, [Year].

9.2 This Act shall come into force on the date of its passage and signing into law by the appropriate authorities.


The bill seeks to amend the Nigerian Defence Academy Establishment Act by establishing an additional Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA Delta) in Delta State, recognizing the imperative for expanded military education access, especially in the face of a growing population and the inadequacy of the current single NDA located in Kaduna. With only 441 cadets selected from over 30,000 applicants for the recent (2023) matriculation, the necessity for a second academy is evident. Beyond addressing the shortage of qualified personnel for national security needs, this bill aims to stimulate economic growth, provide leadership training, and foster national integration, thereby contributing to a more inclusive and secure Nigeria alongside the existing NDA in Kaduna.


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