Champion Newspapers Limited
For a better society

My 23rd Spiritual Birthday, Dr Ifeoma Eze

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I remember that dark and cold night when I took that decision to serve God for the rest of my life!


I couldn’t rely anymore on the God that my father and mother told me about. At that moment, all that mattered was The God I know………

I remember kneeling down on Auchi express road by 12:30am and pleading with God to spare the life of my mother and in exchange for her life, I would serve Him without looking back!


God honoured the prayer of this little girl that night and brought back my mother from the land of the dead!


Since then, it hasn’t been easy……

So many trials experienced,

So many temptations overcame,

So many denials have been made,

The road has been strait and narrow,



My peace passes all understanding,

I have joy unlimited in my heart,

I have the assurance of salvation,

And confidence in my eternal destination!

23 years later……

πŸ”₯I thank God for the grace of not backsliding,

πŸ”₯I thank God for making me an instrument of reconciliation in His Hands,

πŸ”₯I thank God for the many rivers from my life that have nurtured the body of Christ,

πŸ”₯I thank God for the many souls who have been won and imparted through God’s grace upon my life!


Nevertheless, I feel like I haven’t done enough for my Jesus…..

That is why I need your prayers……


Please, pray for me for

  1. Hunger for more of Him.
  2. Grace to do more for Him.
  3. Platforms and open doors no enemy can shut.
  4. Partners and destiny helpers who will help me do all God has laid in my heart.
  5. Grace to finish well and not be a cast away on that day!


Let us Pray……….


If you read my story and will want to give your life to Christ and Make Him your Lord and Saviour also, do well to pray after me………..


Dear Lord Jesus

I am sorry for my sins. I pray for forgiveness. Today, I believe that God sent you to die on the cross for me and You rose again from the dead by the Power of the Holy Spirit. I declare that from now, You are My Lord and Personal Saviour and I will follow You all the days of my life in Jesus name!


Copy and paste to show me you made that prayer!


For a better society


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