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Marginalization : Anambra monarch demands appointment of his subject as council chairman 

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By Phil Okose Onitsha
Irked by the non appointment of his subjects as chairman of Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State, for 20 years running, the traditional ruler of Enugwu- Ukwu community, His Royal Majesty, Igwe Ralph Ekpe, urged Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo to do the needful by appointing his former  President General, PG, Hon. Henry Chinedu Akubuike, as the council boss.
He made the plea when Akubuike, in company of stakeholders and youths of Umunri clan in Enugwu-Ukwu community stormed the palace of the monarch, to plead for  his endorsement for the coveted seat.
Endorsing his candidature, the monarch noted that it was the turn of Enugwu-Ukwu to produce the next transition or elected chairman of the Council Area.
He added that it was long overdue as no one from the town had occupied the seat in the last 20 years.
 Igwe Ekpe noted that Akubuike has served the Enugwu-Ukwu people creditably and in many capacities and therefore, his current ambition is a welcome development.
Ekpe reminded the people that Akubuike had stepped down on two consecutive occasions for other candidates who contested in 2015 and 2019.
He said, “Akubuike has listened and obeyed the principle of zoning political offices in Umunri Clan in 2018 and now 2022 by stepping down on two consecutive times from running for the Njikoka Constituency 1 State Assembly Election in 2019 and 2023.”
The royal father thanked Akubuike and his entourage for the visit, and urged them to be broad-minded, and that Enugwu-Ukwu will take its own turn in the leadership of Njikoka LGA this time around.
In his speech, Akabuike promised to set a precedent in public service if allowed to serve in that capacity and to unite the entire Njikoka people towards greater development and progress.
In their various remarks, the Deputy Prime Minister of Enugwu-Ukwu kingdom, Chief Sir Clement Nwafor and the Cabinet Secretary of the Enugwu-Ukwu Traditional Authority, Chief Frank Nwokike, respectively  commended Akubuike for his track records of commendable community service.
They observed that indeed it was time for Enugwu-Ukwu to produce the next council chairman, and that he deserves to serve as next “transition or elected council chairman of Njikoka Council Area.”
Other members in the entourage of Akubuike included political stakeholders, youths and women leaders among whom were Ozonkpu Chief Jaspino Okonkwo, Nze Mgbilimgba Anaekwe, Dr. (Mrs) Ngozi Okeke, Hon. Agudo Enemuo, Hon. Chisom Nwammadu, Oba Hon. Dobaman Okafor, Chief Hon. Ugo Oguejiofor, Amb. Eze-Ebunafor Nwigbo, Hon. Awele Onuzulike, Hon. Ebele Ngini, Mr. Edikete Anianuli, Chief Bernard Iji-Okeke and Hon. Members of Beloved Brothers. END.

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