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Joint Association of Persons with Disabilities, NGOs decry neglect of disability bill in Osun

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…as PWDs say they’re deprived of political positions despite competence
Blessing Akorowosi, Osogbo
Joint Association of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD), Osun State Chapter in collaboration with non-governmental organisations have called for the urgent passage and enactment of the disability bill in the state.
The NGOs include— Festus Fajemilo Foundation (FFI), Society for Life Changers and Good Parental Care (SoLife) and Community Advancement Initiative for Self Reliance (CAI4SR).
Speaking during a press conference held at NUJ Press center, Osogbo on Thursday, the Executive Director of FFI, Afolabi Fajemilo said the passage of the bill has long been overdue in Osun as over 12 states have passed it to law.
According to Fajemilo, PWDs find it difficult to access public facilities including hospitals, banks, shopping malls due to its building construction, also lack learning aids in schools.
He noted that if passed and implemented, the disability act will address the multi-dimensional  discrimination that PWDs encounter, improve the rights, privileges and access of PWDs to services as well as provide comprehensive legal protection and security for PWDs in the state.
Corroborating his stance, the Executive Director of CAI4SR, Mrs Eni Ayeni stated that the bill covers free healthcare services, enabling environment for learning as well as eradicate the discrimination of PWDs in the society.
Ayeni, who commended the state government for involving PWDs in the drafting of the bill, urged that it is made an executive bill for fast passage and implementation.
She added that the bill, if passed into law will give room for more PWDs in government, private parastatals and  political offices.
Earlier in his address, the Chairman of JONAPWD, Oluwafemi Steven appreciated the efforts and assistance of the NGOs in the disability act processing.
Steven called for more support and quick passage of the bill in order to combat the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in the state.
“The barrier in politics must be removed. Recently, one of us who has been well groomed for local government chairman was told to step aside due to his disability. What is enjoyed by abled bodies should also be enjoyed by us.
“We have brains despite the physical disability. We shouldn’t be rendered useless. PWDs need freedom, true inclusion as we are part of the society,” he said.

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