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IWD:Dr. Ahmadu Advocates for Executive Order to Protect Widows’ Rights

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Favour Ishember, Abuja

Dr. Jumai Ahmadu, founder of Helpline Foundation for the Needy Abuja, has called for the protection of widows worldwide, particularly in Nigeria.

She is advocating for the implementation of the Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPP Act) and property rights for widows.

This, she believes, will prevent widows from facing hardships, ill-treatment, and injustices that threaten their survival, dignity, and well-being.

Ahmadu stressed that while Nigeria has laws in place to protect widows, the challenge lay in enforcement. She suggested establishing a task force to swiftly attend to cases of violence and violation of widows’ rights.

“Government should do more in terms of enforcement so that widows rights can be highly protected. If we need to have a separate Executive Order, signed and backed up with all it takes for their rights to be protected, in the case when their husbands die, the property should just be left for these women”

“Family members should not squander the property of late relatives, By all means, if a woman is responsible enough, everything the husband left should be bequeathed to her for the welfare of her children,” Ahmadu said.

According to her, the current Minister of Women Affairs is considering this proposal.

“Thankfully, the current Minister of Women Affairs is thinking along that line, to have a task force that will be able to swiftly attend to cases of violence, or a widow being violated by her In- laws, so when this task force is in place, it means the policies are going to be implemented, and if there is any default, people are going to be held accountable,” she noted.

Dr. Ahmadu emphasized the need for government and wealthy Nigerians to support widow empowerment, making them self-reliant. She also encouraged widows to take up leadership positions, participate in democratic processes, and acquire skills to manage resources left behind by their husbands.

Dr. Ahmadu advised widows to be educated, mentally strong, and determined to effectively manage resources and train their children. She regretted that some irresponsible widows hand over their husband’s property to new partners, leaving their children to suffer.

Overall, Dr. Ahmadu stressed the importance of protecting widows’ rights and empowering them to become self-sufficient, ensuring their dignity and well-being.

Widows like Miracle Adebayo and Felicia Onah shared their ordeal, appealing to the government for aid and empowerment.

The United Nations recognizes the challenges faced by widows and has designated June 23rd as International Widows Day

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