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International Day of Girl Child: IPAS calls for full implementation of Child Rights

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….say Girl Child face numerous challenges
As Nigeria joined the rest of the world in marking the International Day of Girl Child, ipas Nigeria Health Foundation has called on all governments to fully implement the Child Rights Act to better the lives of girl child.
The foundation said Girl Child face a lot of challenges such as rape violence, intimidation and others.
The statement signed by the country Director of Ipas Nigeria Health Foundation, Lucky Palmer to mark the day, said the girl child is faced with numerous challenges ranging from early marriage to denial of formal education, denial of sexual and reproductive health services and information, rape, incest, trafficking, prostitution and female genital mutilation, among others.
He maintained that “These ills have crippled the girl child’s potential and violate their rights as enshrined in most international and regional legal frameworks.
“All the above acts culminate in Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The VAPP Act is the benchmark legislation for prosecuting perpetrators and providing remedies for victims of Gender-Based Violence, and Ipas Nigeria is supporting States to adopt the VAPP Act.
” To this end, Ipas Nigeria calls for collective efforts from all – parents, guardians, traditional institutions,  health care providers, religious leaders, faith and community-based organizations, civil society organizations, international institutions and their agencies, the Nigerian Human Rights Commission, and all other key stakeholders – to join hands to improve the plight of the Nigerian girl child”,.
Palmer urged the Government to ensure the full implementation of the Child’s  Rights Act, the Violence Against Persons (Prohibition) Act (VAPP Act), 2015 and all laws that support the full development of the girl child.
He demanded programmes to support the girl child’s  social, intellectual and indeed total development, as indicated  in the Sustainable  Development agenda.
The Ipas boss believed that the girl child should have access to early education on her rights and the diverse opportunities ahead of her to enable her to fulfil her potential.
He said “the girl child is our collective future. Let us secure her future to secure/diverse opportunities ahead of her to enable her to fulfil her potential.
“The girl child is our collective future. Let us secure her future to secure the future of Nigeria”,.
The 11th of October is set aside by the United Nations to amplify the voices of young girls and increase awareness of their issues.`

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