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Governor’s influence on local government chairmen 

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Elizabeth Vincent, Yenagoa


As the old adage goes “‘power corrupts, but proximity to power corrupts absolutely’ – and that’s exactly what’s happening in Towns and village where local leaders are fighting for autonomy to make decisions that matter most to their community.”

In every government or institution, there is a corresponding invisible hand that t remote controls its affair with immense influence over decisions.

. “Imagine a world where your local government has the freedom to fix potholes, fund schools, and support local businesses and agriculture without needing permission from the state or federal government – sounds like a utopia, but it’s a reality in some parts of the world.”

“In a shocking move, Towns and village has become the latest battleground in the fight for local government autonomy, with residents and leaders demanding more control over their own destiny – but will they succeed?”

“What if you had the power to decide how your tax money were spent in your own community? Sounds appealing, but for many local governments, it’s a pipe dream – until now.”

“From potholes to police departments, local governments are the unsung heroes of our democracy – but what happens when they’re shackled by red tape and bureaucracy? The story of the town and village might just change the way you think about local power.”

Local government is a machinery of government which manages and admister the local affairs of people at an important local level, specific jurisdiction each local government has it own boundaries and territory, on the basis which provides it’s service and facilities.

Comrade loveday Akumoda a political analyst from Okodia in Yenagoa LGA, express displeasure on the local government autonomy and 70,000 new minimum wage “it will not make any difference people are celebrating and jubilating that a lot of changes will be made, but am not seeing it from that angle because we Nigerians are not prudent enough.

“This is a country where anything goes, are you not aware of money that is coming in through the states governor’s about the subsidy removal, now those subsidiaries monies that is coming in, what are they using it for, does it commensurate the money, nothing is happening.

They share trillions every month, but doesn’t reflect in the lives of Nigeria’s the answer is no -this local government autonomy people are celebrating as a Nigeria that we are nothing will come out of it.

Governor’s will influence who becomes the local government chairman, it’s an autonomy but financial autonomy, is not a political autonomy so who changes the local government chairman is still lies in the hands of the governor’s.

The governor’s will still direct what they do, even if the money coming in straight to the local government account, the chairmen will be directed what to remit or option if you don’t co-operates to their terms they will use the state house of assembly, or counselors to remove them.

Increase in salary is good they have approved the 70 thousand naira minimum wage which is right, immediately they approval , inflation of commodity in the market, imagine water in my area increase from 50 naira to 7o for 20 liter’s, there would be no changes even if they paid 200 thousand minimum wage.

Moreover if local government chairmen can channel it to agriculture it would be more profitable for us,but do Nigerians have that mine set ,that is the problem our own is to share money at the end of every month.

If they can channel this money to acquiring lands for agriculture and Massive farming hunger will be driven, but Nigerians i know leaders and the masses are not ready to work, this are people who make plans to protest “endbad -governance”before the first of August some of our corrupt leaders have mobilize men and women to protest against the endbad- governance what an irony .

What is very bewildering in the whole scenario Some parts of Nigeria guns where shots, it was supposed to be a peaceful protest, but it was hijacked by hoodlums, this are hungry Nigeria’s,who probably where paid 2000, naira or more to protest against bad leadership and intentions, how would this work when the leader are corrupt and influence the people on what to do.

The Power of Local Government Autonomy”

In a small town nestled in the heart of a rural province, a group of dedicated local officials are working tirelessly to improve the lives of their constituents.
Despite limited resources and infrastructure, they are determined to make a difference. But what sets them apart from other local governments is their ability to make decisions and take actions without undue interference from higher levels of government.

With the ability to generate their own revenue and manage their own affairs, this local government has been able to tailor services to meet the unique needs of their community. From improving road infrastructure to providing quality healthcare and education, they are making a tangible impact on the lives of their citizens.

But local government autonomy is not just about providing services; it’s also about accountability. By being directly responsible to their constituents, local officials are more responsive to their needs and concerns. This leads to increased transparency, better decision-making, and more effective governance.

Of course, local government autonomy is not without its challenges. Limited resources, lack of expertise, and dependence on federal in government funding can all hinder a local government’s ability to effectively exercise autonomy.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of local government autonomy far outweigh the costs. By empowering local communities to take control of their own destiny, we can build more resilient, more sustainable, and more equitable societies.

As one local official put it, “Autonomy is not just about us; it’s about our community. It’s about giving them the power to shape their own future.”

Local government institutions are the closest tier of government to the people, providing essential services and making decisions that directly impact citizens’ lives. Despite their importance, local governments often struggle with limited resources, capacity, and autonomy.
The challenges and opportunities facing local government institutions,

highlighting their vital role in promoting democracy, accountability, community development this areSubheading: “The Power of Proximity”.

Local governments are uniquely positioned to understand and respond to community needs, thanks to their proximity to citizens. From waste management to healthcare, education, and infrastructure, local governments deliver essential services that affect daily life.

“Challenges and Opportunities”
Despite their importance, local governments face significant challenges, including Limited financial resources and capacity,Dependence on federal government funding,Limited autonomy and decision-making power, Corruption and lack of accountability,However, there are also opportunities for growth and improvement, such as:Decentralization and devolution of power,Capacity building and training for local officials,Increased citizen participation and engagement,Innovative solutions and partnerships with civil society and the private sector.

In order to achieve our dream for this country, we need to get rid of illicit wealth and growing Corruption , Nigerians leaders should be reviewed, removal of some political appointees not to insulate the and influence the office.

By empowering local governments, we can build stronger and more responsive democracies that truly serve the needs of citizens.

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