Champion Newspapers Limited
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Glo is best telecom company for 2018 – Independent Newspaper

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For the second year running, Nigeria’s data grandmasters, Globacom, has been adjudged as the Independent Newspaper Telecommunications Company of the Year.

The company won the award at a high octane event held on Thursday night at the Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos.

Organisers of the award, Independent Newspaper Limited, publishers of Daily Independent, Saturday Independent and Sunday Independent, announced that Globacom won the award for being “the first telecommunications company in Nigeria to cover the 36 states of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory FCT, with 4G LTE network services”.

The organisers added that apart from the 4G LTE coverage, “other factors which gave Globacom the prestigious award were the company’s innovative and hugely successful products, OGA SIM, which guarantees quality data services to the subscribers at very low rate, and GLO YAKATA, which offers subscribers 2,200 percent bonus on every recharge”.

The integrated telecoms solutions provider won the same award in 2017, thus becoming the only telecommunications company to have won the award back to back.

Addressing the ceremony which was attended by captains of industry and political leaders, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief, Independent Newspapers, Mr. Ade Ogidan, said that the award was instituted to “recognise and appreciate individuals and corporate organisations that have made meaningful impacts in their endeavour and enterprise”.

Receiving the award, Globacom’s Head, Enterprise Sales, Mr. Eric Uwaoma, said that awards “such as this one are a call for more commitment to the service to the people, and I want to assure all that Globacom will continue to delight its subscribers with world-class services and seamless telecommunications solutions”.

“That the award is coming from a reputable newspaper such as Independent Newspaper shows that a lot of telecom industry watchers are interested in what goes on in the sector. We are delighted to have won the Telecommunications Company of the Year for the second year running”, Mr Uwaoma added.

For a better society

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