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Dr. Chris Okafor demonstrates love to thousands of widows , members of the ministry

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No matter how conservative a man is, his virtues will always surface, hence the saying that ” a goldfish has no hiding place”

This to a large extend explains the usual act of Dr Chris Okafor as philanthropist who has been giving excessively in a noiseless way. He gives on weekly and monthly bases to widows demonstrating the love of Christ but this time most people regard it as special time for festive period where love should be demonstrated.

Dr Chris Okafor, the founder of Grace Nation International Church, also known as Liberation City expresses that in this special season Jesus is the reason for the season and the mission of Jesus according to John 3:16 as quote ” For God so loved the world and He gave”. Love is about giving. So in this period of time even though we do this all the time and in this special season also, in the country, the economy situation is bad, a lot of people right now cannot afford something to eat, as a person and as a church we can’t sit in the comfort of our homes and say thank God for blessing us. We are not bless if people around us don’t have anything to eat, it’s only when we share to others, that’s the love of Christ.

Similarly, in this period, we are not only giving to widows but to workers of the church and people who are doesn’t have enough to eat.

From here, we will visit other communities, police stations, etc. That’s what we do almost on weekly and monthly bases.

According to Dr Chris who estimated that the bags of rice and garri is over five thousand bags available, among other things. Millions and millions is been put into it to ensures people are fed. The widows, apart from giving them rice and garri, we as well give them some money.

Looking at the economy situation of the country he said ” I am not a politician, our work is to pray and counsel people. In this situation, God is able to help. When the people cry to God, He shows them mercy and send rain. Firstly, we must acknowledge the place of God. It’s in His power to turn things around. Except the Lord build the City the laboureth build in vain. Except the Lord watcheth the the City, the watchmen watcheth in vain.

We are not only battling with the economical situation of this nation but also the security situation. The Government has done their best, all we need to do is to pray and support them. Through prayer Nigeria economy situation can overturn. God is everywhere but God does not manifest everywhere, it is illegal for Him to show up if He is not invited. He has to be invited. Nigerians need to come together and say God this is beyond us we need you to take over Nigeria and the hand of God will be seen mightily like ever before.

Dr Chris gave a Christmas message for Nigerians saying that All will be well. Everybody should be hopeful, prayerful and believe in God.


For a better society

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