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Art gallery advocate safety guide for coastal children towards flood survival

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As part of its effort to make children feel warmth, love and sensitized them on safety measures, Oshodi Arts and Culture Foundation in conjunction with Nigerian Marine Coastal Guard Voluntary Service held a symposium/sensitization seminar celebrated Nigerian Children in grand style to mark the 2024 Children’s Day celebration.

The event venue at, Ikorodu was filled with school children of all ages. The essence of the  event designed to host post- primary school age children from the ages of six to sixteen years from private and public institutions. This festival celebrates children’s day in a fun and loving environment which includes learning and building bridges with varieties of activities such as symposium, skills orientation, cultural parades and many other exciting programs.


They also used the opportunity to address some issues of the society that concerns children for example child abuse, rape, examination malpractices and crimes in general.

Chief Commanding Officer, Captain Isaac Adamolekun presented a lecture on Water Safety Usage in Coastal and Riverine States.

School, Institutions,  and all Citizens of Nigeria as  a Coastal Sovereign State,  should consider and take  water safety usage  seminar seriously for the preservation, preparation of  our Children’s readiness to survive against flood emergency, and  boat Capzise and beach  water front drowning incident.

Adamolekun our nation is  a place where flood is a yearly occurrence and drowning incident takes place ,claiming several lives of both Children, teenager, adults,young and old.

This incident are inevitable but we must prepare to tackle it especially having when we have poor water safety readiness and awareness.

He made some definitions for clarity, terms like Water, from a narrow point of view,  water can be  seen as  an inorganic compound with the chemical formula H2O. It is a transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, and it is the main component of Earth’s hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms (in which it acts as a solvent), this includes drinking water, bathing water, cooking water, swimming water Etc. that we all use daily  in our various homes and environments.

“This water can be dangerous or risky to our lives, when in very large quantities, either as a swimming pool, flood, or open bodies of waters, Eg. Streams, Rivers, lagoons, Sea and Oceans, when safety precautions are not put in place regimentally and professionally.


However, he said there are Hazards we face with Water? Strong currents , fast-flowing water and flash flood can drown you. Check the current by throwing a leaf into the water to see the speed it travels. Submerged objects such as sharp objects, rocks, flood debris, tree branches can injure or trap you underwater.


Also, Adamolekun stated that heavy buoyant objects entrained in fast-moving flood waters can cause entanglement, injury or death.

Cold shock, when an individual not used to cold water goes in and takes big uncontrolled breaths, often taking in water instead.

Slippery banks and banks made unstable by flooding. Changing seasonal patterns, storms and floods.Biological hazards and chemical pollutants in water.

Moreso, he said aquatic predators and venomous marine life.

Adamolekun emphasized on the United Nations World Health Organisation,(WHO)sees drowning as a global epidemic, but one that we can all help to prevent. The concept y

Water Safety refers to the procedures, precautions and policies associated with safety in, on, and around bodies of water, where there is a risk of injury or drowning. It has applications in several occupations, sports and recreational activities in coastal and riverine villages and cities of a nation like Nigeria.


‘Water safety has many parts to it, and we will talk about the first part now – you and your community.  If there is an incident, the person there is the person best-placed to help.  You  and the Stationed Coastguard Volunteer Service Rescue swimmers are the experts on where you live, and the local water hazards.


‘You also know who in your community in particular needs to be protected from these hazards.  You can put these things together in a local community water safety plan.

Key Components of a Community Water Safety Plan (CWSP)

He highlighted each step to engage the community, assemble and Station a Nigeria Marine Coastguard Volunteer Rescue swimmer  in every community. Describe the local community water environment.

Furthermore, Identify and assess hazards, hazardous events, risks and existing control measures. Also you can Develop and implement an incremental improvement plans and training for the community NMCGVS Rescue swimmers


“A local, community-led plan is the first step in water safety and helps to draw the community together.

What are the local hazards? Maybe you live in a flood risk area, or you know of a local area of deep or fast moving water that you can discuss and avoid or barrier off.

Who is at risk in particular? These are often young children and infants.  Maybe you can arrange a play area away from water, or set out a safe water front  tourism bathing area in hot weather, with Regimented, professional Rescue swimmers on standby.

Are there any other ways these people can be protected? Can you educate them on water hazards and basic water survival skills?

Can anyone teach basic water safety to the community? These are all good things to discuss as a community – remember, you are the experts in your local area and your own first line of defence.

Importance of Water Safety Plans to the Nigeria Marine Coastguard Volunteer Service Rescue Swimmers

We are a new and growing service, and we aim to work alongside local communities all across Nigeria.   Community WSP implementation results in a better understanding of water supply systems and potential risks to public health. The risk prioritization process assists decision-makers at all levels, through constant awareness in maximizing public health protection with available resources.

What are the Seven parts of the water safety system in the Nigeria Marine Coastguard Volunteer Service?

We are new, and still building up our capabilities.  Attention, Determination, Proximity, Readiness, Commitment ,Continuity and Competency, which are our seven key ways to keep everyone safe in the water in our Coastal and Riverine States in Nigeria. We need Nigerians understanding, Acceptance and support to combat drowning Nationally in Nigeria as a volunteer Seaborne Regimented Para-military Humanitarian Lifesaving organization.  We are also working alongside community, local, state and federal government organisations to help build a national  Nigeria Marine Coastguard Volunteer Service Station (Ship Base ) and system in all Coastal, Riverine  and flood prone State  in  Nigeria.


Build fences that fully enclose swimming areas and pools.

Teach everyone to do a ‘survival float’, then basic water safety and swimming skills.  Formal lessons can reduce the risk of drowning and build up water confidence and awareness.

Teach everyone to use flotation for survival – ideally purpose-built, but in an emergency, anything that will keep a person afloat will do. Supervise closely. Never swim alone; swim with lifeguards and/ Rescue swimmers present. Wear a Standard approved life jacket appropriate for your weight and size and the water activity. Always wear a life jacket while boating or fishing, regardless of swimming skill. Swim sober and avoid alcohol near the water.

Finally, learn Basic Life Support skills like CPR, and Secondary Care skills such as treatment for cold and shock

What is the first step in water search and rescue?

What should you do if you witness someone struggling in the water and possibly drowning?

First, Get help. Call for help in a loud voice , notify a lifeguard, if one is close. If not, ask someone to call the Nigeria Marine Coastguard Volunteer Service Rescue swimmers.

Second, assist the person if you can.  We train our Rescue Swimmers to Reach, Throw, Row or Go in that order, and we recommend you do the same. First, try to reach out to them from shore, then throw some flotation to them, then assist from a boat.  Only go in the water if you have the skills and confidence to do so. Our Rescue Swimmers are highly-trained and very fit – don’t risk your own life if you are in any doubt, call the Nigeria Marine Coastguard Volunteer Service Rescue swimmers station phone number  close to your community.

Once they are on shore, apply First Aid Basic Life Support if you have the training and skills – check to see if they’re conscious. Shout to get a response. …

If they don’t respond, place them on their back on a firm surface.


For a better society


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