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Adeleke congratulates Sen. Oyewumi on emergence as Senate Deputy Minority Leader

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Blessing Akorowosi, Osogbo


Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun has felicitated with Senator (Dr) Olalere Oyewumi on his emergence as the Deputy Minority Leader in the Nigerian Senate.


Adeleke stated that Senator Oyewumi’s endearing leadership traits over the years will drive opposition’s quest to make the Senate deliver for Nigerians.


The Governor who described Oyewumi as an experienced legislator and a good team player, said his new role has further strengthened convictions that the opposition parties in the Senate are prepared to lead the way for the progress of the country.


In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Olawale Rasheed, Adeleke expressed confidence in the ability of Oyewumi to leverage on his wealth of experiences in both public and private engagements over the years.


“I rejoice with Senator (Dr) Olalere Kamorudeen Oyewumi on his emergence as the Deputy Minority Leader of the Nigerian Senate,” adding that “Knowing well Senator Oyewumi’s capacity and ability, I am well convinced that he will excel in this new role.


“As you go on with your new role, my prayer is that Almighty God will continue to enrich you with the understandings and strength to drive the needed impact for Nigerians through the Nigerian Senate,” he said.


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