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Plateau Govt. clamped down on erring traders, demolish illegal structures in Jos main market

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From Daniel Dauda, Jos



To sanitize Jos and Bukuru city Plateau, the Environmental Protection and Sanitation Agency (PEPSA) has commenced implementing and enforcing Executive Order 003 issued by the state government.


Recalled, Plateau State Government had sometimes in February, 2024 issued executive ordered 003 directing all traders which illegally occupied spaces causing congestion within Jos and Bukuru metropolis vacate before it may too late.


Daily champion Newspaper which monitored the demolition exercise at Jos main market (Terminus) on Saturday, reports that the exercise is to allowed a smooth operations of 15 metro diesel buses procured by the state and other commercial vehicles.


Speaking to newsmen Saturday after observing the April monthly sanitation exercise, Director General PEPSA, Samuel Dapiya expressed disgust towards people attitude of defying sanitation order.


Our correspondent observed that the violators were apprehended and charged to Mobil Court


According to PEPSA DG, there was minimal compliance down to Jos south. “What we saw in Jos south was in fact something else because with this kind of crowd it shows that people are just adamant to break the law and going forward from next month would make necessary adjustments and plans to ensure that there’s a watertight and a very comprehensive planning of total enforcement on subsequent sanitations.


“I think we need to work on reinforcing security because the mobile courts can function better only when they are properly secured.


“The fine of 1000, honestly is not okay. Because if I have 10,000 I go to every junction, I pay 1000. By the time I get to Bauchi Junction, I wouldn’t have spent up to, let’s say that 10,000 I wouldn’t have exhausted. That’s why we emphasize that when you’re arrested or you’re fined, the idea is not to allow you go even after paying the fine. You should be detained at that particular location till it’s 10:00 am.”


On the allegations by some traders at the Terminus main market, alleging that the government did not notify them adequately before embarking on demolishing their shops, Dapiya said the traders issued a notice severally, and engaged their Union leaders.


“There are even video footages to that effect. I ensured that entire space was evacuated. I ensured that space was fumigated to ensure it is healthy and safe for Plateau people. That project happened over a month ago. Even yesterday we were there to tell them to pack up their things coming to take off those shanties they have there. Nobody cooperated until when they saw the bulldozer.

So there was  Enough announcement and also community engagement with their leaders. The market leaders were engaged. There are about four union motor park leaders in that terminals. They were all engaged. All of them were engaged, fully engaged before.


“We ensure this project is sustained. Executing this project costs government money. So we must ensure that government funds or taxpayers funds are not just pushed down the drain. This project will be sustained for the next seven or eight years as much as we can.”


Transition Implementation Committee Chairman of Jos South Local Government, Peter Vwang Dung acknowledged a law must be respected. Three hours in a day cannot reduce anything from you. This sanitation starts from 7:00am to 10:00am. If you stay from seven to ten you are free to pass.


“They must keep you there to face the punishment so that next time you will not come and pay 1000. That 1000 is grossly inadequate. We are advising the government from next month fine should be 10,000 above so that people will feel it and tomorrow they will respect the law, we are all Nigerians.”

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