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NUPENG launches health insurance scheme for tanker drivers in style

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..Commends stakeholders, partners for programme’s success


History was made in Lagos Thursday, when the National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers (NUPENG),officially flagged off its novel health insurance scheme for Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD) branch of the union.

The colourful ceremony which attracted eminent personalities from all walks of life,took place at Mobil Truck Park,Apapa.

Prominent Nigerians who spoke during the occasion, extolled the sterling virtues of NUPENG leadership and vision in bringing the scheme to fruition and charged the drivers not to take the scheme for granted.

The speakers also agreed that zero accidents are actually achievable, it tanker drivers take care of their health seriously.

Welcoming guests earlier to the event,the President of NUPENG,Comrade William Akporeha, said :” I stand before you today, as the President if this Union alongside all the NEC members to officially launch the Health insurance scheme for our Petroleum Tanker Drivers branch of NUPENG.

“We gather here today, united by the common goal of ensuring the well-being and safety of those who tirelessly transport the lifeblood of our nation–our petroleum products.

” These drivers brave challenging terrains, harsh weather conditions and long hours on the roads, insecurity, to ensure the uninterrupted supply of fuel to every nook and cranny of our beloved country.

“Yet,we must acknowledge that this profession carries inherent risks and dangers, accidents, injuries and health-related complications are unfortunate realities that these brave individuals face every day.

” However, it is our moral obligation as a Union to provide them with the necessary support,care and protection they deserve “.Akporeha expressed gratitude to Leadway Health Limited,stakeholders, partners and organizations who have worked tirelessly to make the scheme, a reality.

Speaking also, a former Scribe of the union,Hon Akinlaja said :” We have gone through this before,to organize the tanker drivers, but they have never had this type of medical scheme, while on the road.

It’s a new thing that is going to work and also extend the lives of these great people that move products from the hinterland to the town and vice versa.

” I congratulate all of you.May this scheme benefit you all.It was not easy to cone to this place in times past. This area used to be Agbo Malu,cow market. Cows and human beings were co-habiting here.

But the untiring efforts of NUPENG members helped in driving the cows away.Today it is called Mobil road.”

Also,speaking, a presentative of Leadway Health Limited,Dr Gideon Anumba, whose company midwifed the scheme said: “Leadway has been in business

for the past 53 years.And we would not for anything in this world, throw away that reputation that we have built over the years.If we were not planning to deliver a laudable and workable health insurance, we would not have been part of this initiative.

” I am promising that the full health insurance that NUPENG and PTD have procured for tanker drivers is what they will get.”


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