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Ugwuany has failed Enugu in all ramifications -Agbo Labour Party Guber Candidate

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By Cosmas Chukwu

The gubernatorial candidate of Labour Party, Enugu State, Barr. Casmir Agbo has written off the government of the Enugu State led by Gov. Ifeanyi Lawrence Ugwuanyi as a government in shambles.

Agbo who stated this in an interview with journalists in Enugu on Tuesday, said that Ugwuanyi-led administration has failed the people of the state in every ramification.

According to the governorship hopeful for 2023, there is nothing to write home about the government in terms of infrastructure.

“Gov. Ifeanyi has failed Enuguans in all ramifications. The government is in shambles. He has done nothing in terms of infrastructure. Think of Education, primary schools where pupils go to school by 10 am.In our own time we used to be in school by 7.30 and anyone who comes later would miss the first lesson.

” With the emergence of Labour Party and myself, I’ll repeat the feat done by former Gov. Sullivan Chime, more than 100%. Enugu State is going to witness a great moment,” he said.

Agbo said, immediately he is sworn in as the next governor of Enugu State, his first priority would be to clean up the state of filth and infections.

The LP leader said, “once I become the governor of Enugu State, my first priority will be to clean up Enugu first because of infections and I’ll make sure that water will run everywhere in the state.

” Within three to four months in office, I’ll stop the tanker drivers from selling dirty water in the streets of Enugu, then I’ll sit down and plan,” he said.

The Labour Party flagbearer, also said that after cleaning the state and ensuring that potable water is following everywhere, he will then discuss with the labour on how to better the lot of the civil servants because he was a civil servant and know the ordeal of the civil service.

He said it was not going to be automatic but with time, he would ensure that civil servants will enjoy their service.

The LP governorship candidate said that he would appoint a female as his deputy and will give appointments mostly to the youths and women to ensure that state moves on the development drive.

“I’ll pick a woman as my deputy and in terms of appointment, I’ll give the youth 35%, women 35% while the rest will be for politicians and other considerations,” Agbo declares.

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