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2023: Group urges youths to embrace peace, avoid violence

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A coalition under the aegis of the Yoruba Appraisal Forum (YAF) has enjoined Nigerian youths to embrace peace and eschew acts that can lead to the disintegration of Nigeria, especially as the 2023 general elections approaches.

YAF also kicked against violent agitations for the secession of Yorubaland or any other part of the country from the rest of Nigeria.

It also urged the youths to avoid breaching the existing peace or aiding groups and individuals acting under the guise of agitating for secession to destabilise the entire country.

The Forum, which congratulates Nigerians on this year’s Christmas and New Year celebrations, commends all citizens for standing firm and resolute on peaceful co-existence inspite of the significant peace and security challenges confronting the country in 2021.

YAF also praised the nation’s security agencies, the service chiefs, the Inspector-General of Police, the Director-General of the Department of State Services (DSS), traditional rulers throughout Yorubaland and Leaders of Thought in Nigeria as well as the International Community, for ensuring peace reigned supreme at all times in the South-West geo-political zone and the entire country throughout 2021.

It further appreciated the contributions of traditional rulers and the Leaders of Thought in the South-West towards the continued corporate existence and unity of the Nigerian nation.

The Forum urged all citizens to continue to tread the path of peace by cooperating with the government in its efforts to tackle the current insecurity in some parts of Nigeria.

According to YAF, “As Nigerians, we should all observe this special month with gratitude to Almighty God for seeing us through the year and also with pride in our dear fatherland, knowing full well that this is a significant period for the whole of Nigeria in particular and humanity in general.

“This, of course, is an auspicious time of the year and we salute all Nigerians for choosing to maintain peace inspite of all the threats to the nation’s security and shenanigans by various centrifugal forces operating in different parts of the country. May the peace and prosperity of Nigeria never cease, and may we continue to rejoice in the blessings that God has bestowed on our dear fatherland. Amen!

“YAF celebrates the desire of all patriotic Nigerians towards the maintenance of security and peace. Long live Nigeria! We thank all Nigerian citizens, the various security agencies, the Service Chiefs, the Inspector General of Police and heads of other para-military services for the invaluable role they have been playing since the beginning of this year in ensuring a secure and peaceful country.

“YAF also commends the international community for their support to the government and people of Nigeria throughout 2021. They should continue to give their support to the legitimate Federal Government of Nigeria under President Muhammadu Buhari.

“YAF further enjoins all Nigerian youths to continue to maintain peace by ignoring seccession agitators and their sponsors.

“As Nigerians, we should not just exhibit our pride in the Nigerian nation just during Christmas period only. The feeling of being patriotic and proud Nigerians should occupy our minds at all times.

“We should not expect to develop our pride in Nigeria after she has become great. Rather, we should know that Nigeria can only become great when we sincerely contribute individually and collectively to her continued peaceful corporate existence and even take pride in it.

“Let’s continue to celebrate peace in our country by ensuring that the labours of all our past national heroes, who have given us the freedom we’ve been enjoying in Nigeria in the past six decades, do not go in vain.

“We must not take our peculiar situation for granted. Rather, we should at all times strive to play our role patriotically in order to make Nigeria a better place for ourselves and generations yet unborn under a very peaceful atmosphere.”



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