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World Food Safety Day:4 Million people die annually due to food poisoning …. NAFDAC 

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The Bauchi State Coordinator of NAFDAC, Dr Paul Kamai  has disclosed


that 4 Million people die annually around the world due to poisoning and eating contaminated food




Dr Kamai revealed this  at an event in Bauchi to commemorate the 2024 World Food Safety Day organized by Catalyzing Strengthened Action for Healthy Diets and Resilience (CASCADE) Nigeria in collaboration with the Bauchi State Committee on Food and Nutrition.




According to him, eating food that is unfit for human consumption is one of the major causes of food poisoning and common illness.




The Coordinator said food contaminants include abuse of agrochemicals, pesticide residues, veterinary drug residues, illegal use of banned agrochemicals and microbial contaminants.



NAFDAC, he stated, uses agri input dealers, routine inspection of food products and sustained awareness as some of its regulatory measures.



The Coordinator  said that  ensuring food safety is a public health priority and an easy step to achieving food security.



“Effective food safety and management systems are key not only to safeguarding the well being of the people but also foster economic development “.



He added that from food production to consumption food safety is a shared responsibility.




In  his address, Bauchi State Chairman Committee on Food and Nutrition Jibrin Mohammed Yusuf, said the state has continued to witness an increase in cases of malnutrition among children under 5 years which is worrisome.



” As we discuss food safety we also need to talk about food availability especially at this period”.



He added that the Committee is in place to push for adequate budgetary allocation to nutrition activities in line ministries, today we have established school gardens and demonstration to promote use of local nutritional diets”.



Yusuf then commended CASCADE for observing the day and also urged stakeholders to create awareness about food storage and handling in the state.

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