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We rejects same sex marriage in totally – Bishop Yohanna

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Emmanuel Awari-Jalingo


The United Methodist Church, Nigeria Episcopal Area has rejected the resolution of its General Assembly where it was agreed that persons of same sex can marry themselves.


The UMC Bishop, Nigeria Episcopal Area, John Wilsley disclosed the position of the church to Journalists shortly after the Joint Special Call Session of the church held in Jalingo, the Taraba State Capital.


The Bishop stated that the teachings of same sex marriage was not Biblical as such, members of the Church in Nigeria, where he leads would never accept such teachings.


“As a leader of the church in Nigeria, I want to tell you that we reject the resolution of the general Assembly on homosexuality and we stand against it. I want to call on all members of the United Methodist Church, Nigeria Episcopal Area and the general public to stand by biblical truth and standard that marriage is between a man and a woman.


The Bishop frowned at the attitude of a faction of the church, whom he alleged had deserted the church for over three years but had been going about deceiving people that the incompatible language have not been removed from the book of discipline of the church.


“The resolution on incompatible language has been passed for decades. It was resolved that homosexuality is incompatible with christian teachings.


“This is where we stand. I however, wonder why a group of persons led by Pastor Ande Emmanuel would now be going about telling people that incompatible language has not been removed.


“Ande Emmanuel was one of those who fought for the removal of this incompatible language. He belongs to UMC mainstream and that is the main body that was working hard to remove the incompatible language.


He belongs to African Voice of Unity where he had a paper, a mail in which he encouraged people that he is working with Christmas covenant and Christmas covenant is one of those who worked against the removal of the incompatible.


Delegates during the special called session of both the Southern, Northern, Central and Northeast Annual Conferences of the United Methodist Church in Nigeria unanimously in a voice votes to leave UMC because of legalizing same sex marriage during the recent General Conference GC held in Charlotte NC of United State of America and voted to join the Global Methodist Church GMC.


While affirming the decision of the delegates and cabinet members, Bishop Johnwesley Yohanna said the decision of the general conference does not conform with the words of God and biblical teachings.


“No part of the Bible that allowed a Man to marry a Man or a Woman to marry a Woman.


“As a Bishop of the United Methodist church in Nigeria, I cannot approve Homosexuality.


“Homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching. It is against the will of God.


“I stand with the  Conference in the decision they took and I will go by it.


“Ande Emmanuel has been misleading other people and they have exited the church for three years because they were not part of decisions reached since 2021 to date hence their suspension.


“Same sex marriage was embraced by UMC globally and so many countries have left the church because of human sexuality.


“I am delighted with the Conference Biblical stand.


“For the Church to legislate homosexuality, I think there is something wrong.


“As a Bishop of the United Methodist Church in Nigeria, I will not legislate homosexuality. I disregard and say No to it.


Leaders of various Conferences at the session express their feelings,


“We say NO to Homosexuality.


“We will not continue to fight each other, but keep on serving God.


We will no longer fight our brothers, but will follow the standard of the Bible – they said.


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