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UN writes Nigeria, Kenya over Nnamdi Kanu

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.Our leader’s travails won’t weaken IPOB, Group replies Garba Shehu

By Phil Okose, Onitsha



The United Nations, UN has issued ‘Urgent Appeals” to both the Nigerian and Kenyan Governments respectively, demanding immediate stoppage of any torture or violation of rights committed against the detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.


The world body also warned of serious effects if the allegations of torture and violation of fundamental human rights against the IPOB leader were confirmed.


The intervention followed a petition to the UN by Kanu’s brother, Kanunta Kanu; and his Special counsel, Mr. Aloy Ejimakor.


UN’s “Urgent Appeals” to Nigeria and Kenya according to a statement by Kanunta were transmitted to both countries since August 26, and acknowledgment received from the Nigeria’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York on September 17.


The statement made available to newsmen Tuesday stated: “In particular, the said Urgent Appeals read in part that the United Nations is “alarmed by the alleged torture and ill-treatment Mr. Kanu has been subjected to during his illegal custody in Kenya.


It added:” If confirmed, these allegations would constitute prima facie violations of fundamental human rights, including the right not to be arbitrarily deprived of liberty, and the absolute and non-derogable prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment under the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights (ICCPR).


“The allegations in the case of Mr. Kanu raise serious violations of international human rights law and may cause irreparable damage to his life or personal integrity, which we believe warrants prompt attention.


“In this regard, we are considering to publicly express our concerns in this case in the near future, believing that the wider public should be informed about the implications of these allegations for the enjoyment and exercise of human rights in Kenya and Nigeria. Any public expression of concern in this regard, will indicate that we have been in contact with your Excellency’s Government to clarify the issue/s in question.


“While awaiting a reply, we urge that all necessary interim measures be taken to prevent any irreparable damage to the life or personal integrity of Mr. Kanu, halt the alleged violations and prevent their re-occurrence and in the event that the investigations support or suggest the allegations to be correct, to ensure the accountability of any person responsible of the alleged violations”.


On why Kanu’s brother decided to seek UN intervention, the statement said: “Following the extraordinary rendition of my older brother, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, I undertook a number of urgent steps within the realm of the international community, particularly in Britain and the United Nations. I worked quietly with my brother’s Special Counsel, Aloy Ejimakor and the Bindmans (my brother’s lawyers in Britain) on a host of muscular interventions aimed at presenting my brother’s case to the international community and facilitating his unconditional release and bringing the culprits of his illegal rendition to account.


“These interventions were not made known to the general public because the applicable rules, especially that of the United Nations, required them to be kept confidential for sixty days.


“Those sixty days just expired and the United Nations has therefore made public the details of its ‘Urgent Appeals’ to the Nigerian and Kenyan Governments, which were transmitted since 26th August, 2021. It also has made public an acknowledgment it received on 17th September 2021 from the ‘Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to the United Nations’. Both documents are attached to this Press Release.


“It is important to emphasize that this is just the beginning of more United Nations and other global strong actions that would be seen in the coming weeks. While we await for such actions to unfold, we wish to inform the public that we will remain resolute and relentless in bringing the full weight of the international community to bear on the unconditional release of me brother and leader without further delay.”


Meanwhile, The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) has described as  laughable, a statement credited to Garba Shehu, the Senior Special Assistant, SSA, Media, to President Buhari, that the extraordinary rendition of IPOB leader would lead to the end of IPOB agitation.


According to the IPOB spokes man, Emma Powerful in a statement which he issued to newsmen Tuesday, he said, “we are surprised at the level of cluelessness and ignorance displayed by Garba Shehu about the operations of IPOB. We therefore, want to assure him and his co-travelers that extraordinary rendition of our leader Mazi Nnamdi KANU will rather destroy Nigeria and not  IPOB. By kidnapping and renditioning Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, Nigeria has committed  international crime and must not go unpunished.”


“The world doesn’t need any further proof that IPOB is a peaceful movement. The kidnap of its Leader by Nigeria Government is a crime that must be punished. So, by this singular violation of international law, Nigeria is in already but instead of admitting the obvious its officials and busy playing to the gallery.


But very soon, the masterminds of this heinous crime will be rounded up and handed  over to the international criminal court, ICC for prosecution.  IPOB is not a push-over movement, and we cannot be intimidated. Just very soon our oppressors will be taught by ICC  in the language they understand.”


“IPOB remains a  nonviolent organisation but has been the victim of the high-handedness of the Nigeria Authorities. The wicked Nigeria security agents have continued their secret genocide against Biafra agitators. But they will pay for their atrocities very soon


We want Garba Shehu, Mungono the National Intelligence Agency and the Attorney General of Nigeria, Abubakar Malami to stop displaying their ignorance of international law . They should stop media trial of our Leader whose matter is already pending in a court of law, because the whole world knew them and understood that fulani has destroyed Nigeria and the world will not join them to call IPOB terrorist organisation.”


“Mungono must settle terrorist and bandits he encourages and support to cause havoc in the North East and West of Nigeria because ordinary civilian and Christians there has seen hell from his plots and killings. He should play his politics to salvage his land from the hands of vampires ravaging North East and West of Nigeria. Mungono leave IPOB alone and face what is facing you and your people.


This is not 1970 when the world looked the other way while they committed mass atrocities in Biafra land. IPOB is getting stronger by Kanu’s rendition while Nigeria is headed for destruction.”


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