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Strike looms in Nigerian universities as unions give FG 7-day ultimatum over exclusion from payment

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Nigerians may witness another round of industrial disharmony in the universities soon, as the Joint Action Committee of the Non Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions (NASU) and the Senior Staff Association of Nigerian University (SSANU) has given the Federal Government 7-day ultimatum over the exclusion of non teaching staff from the payment of four months outstanding salary

The JAC of the unions had written a protest letter to the Chief of Staff to the President and the minister of Education over the exclusion, but wondered why government, after receiving the letter, has failed to act on the demands and pay the members.

In a statement jointly signed by the President of SSANU, Mohammed Ibrahim and the General Secretary of NASU, Peters Adeyemi, the unions appreciated government for paying the academic staff, but said their members can no longer quarantee peace in the universities if not paid.

The unions therefore asked the federal government to, before the expiration of the 7-day ultimatum, act on the lettter before it or face industrial disharmony in the university sector

The unions said they have exualted all avenue to stop the members from industrial disharmony, but all to no avail.

They called on government to do the needful and avoid the impending industrial action that will ground the activities of the Nigerian universities.

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