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Strike: FG dares NLC, insists 7-day ultimatum contempt of Court order

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.As congress mobilizes workers for showdown August 2 over anti-workers policies

.’Nigerians lost peace of mind May 29′

 .Medical services disrupted as resident doctors begin indefinite strike

.We’ve down tools, say

UITH, Plateau doctors

.Do more urgently to help masses, retirees tell FG

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Sylvester Akor, Abuja, and Daniel Dauda, Jos



The Federal Government has said the Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC strike notice is in contempt of National Industrial Court order.

The was contained in a statement Wednesday by Mrs. B.E. Jedy-Agba, Solicitor-General of the Federation and Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Justice.

The statement titled: “NOTICE OF STRIKE ACTION ISSUED BY NIGERIA LABOUR CONGRESS IN CONTEMPT OF ORDER OF THE NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL COURT,” reads: “The attention of the Federal Ministry of Justice has been drawn to media reports indicating that the National President (Joe Ajaero) and Secretary- General (Emmanuel Ugboaja, mni) of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) endorsed a 7-day notice of their intention to embark on a nationwide strike action from 2nd August 2023 if the demands of the labour unions are not met.

The Solicitor-General added, “It is pertinent to alert members of the NLC and the general public to the pendency of SUIT NO: NICN/ABJ/158/2023 – FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA & ANOR V. NIGERIAN LABOUR CONGRESS & ANOR before the National Industrial Court, wherein His Lordship, Anuwe, J., on 5th June 2023 granted an injunctive order restraining Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress from embarking on the planned industrial action/or strike of any nature, pending the hearing and determination of the pending Motion on Notice, which is also praying for an order of interlocutory injunction for parties to maintain status quo pending the determination of the dispute or issues submitted to the court. The said Motion on Notice is still pending.

She added, “It is noted that the issues (removal of fuel subsidy, hike in prices of petrol and consequential increase in cost of living, etc) which precipitated the above court action are the very same issues over which NLC has now issued another strike notice.

“The NLC has submitted to the jurisdiction of the court and is being represented by the reputable law firm of Femi Falana, SAN. It is therefore our minimum expectation that NLC will allow the courts perform their constitutional roles rather than resorting to self-help and undermining the orders of the court.

According to her, “We note with dismay that this latest strike notice is consistent with the inexplicable disdain which the NLC leadership has visited on the authority of the court in recent times following earlier inciting and derogatory remarks made by the NLC President against the court. Indeed, the avowed penchant of the leadership of the union for casting aspersions on the Judiciary is quite worrisome and concerning.

“Aside the above legal inhibition against any strike action of any nature, we also note that both the Federal and State Governments are engaging with stakeholders to cushion the collateral effect of the removal of fuel subsidy and increment in fuel price. It would be a great act of service to Nigerian workers and the nation’s economy for NLC to explore negotiations rather than embark on any strike action.

“We therefore urge NLC to allow good reason to prevail by adhering to the time-tested principles of lis pendis and rule of law to avert adverse consequences”, the statement noted.

.As congress mobilizes workers for showdown August 2 over anti-workers policies

.’Nigerians lost peace of mind May 29′


However, Moved by the present hardship slammed on Nigerians by the policies of the present administration led by President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, following the removal of fuel subsidy which prompted the increase of fuel price from N195 to N540 and now, N917 per litre,  the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has resolved to embark on nationwide strike action, beginning from Wednesday 2nd August, 2023, if government fails to reverse what it described as anti-people’s policies.


The action will however commence after a Seven -Day ultimatum given to federal government, within which to meet all the demands the union presented before it.



The Nigeria Labour Congress  said Nigerians lost their peace of mind following the “Subsidy is gone” comment made by President Bola Tinubu during his May 29, 2023, inauguration.


The labour congress in a statement jointly signed by the national president, Joe Ajaero and Secretary-General, Emmanuel Ugboaja, in Abuja, faulted the Tinubu administration over its “unfriendly” policies while adding that the administration had continued to treat Nigerians as slaves.



The congress has consequently directed all Affiliates and State Councils to begin immediate mobilization and closely work with associations, individuals and other entities including the ones already on the streets to ensure that government listens to the people,or risk the strike action.


In a communique issued at the end of the Central Working

Committee (CWC) meeting of the congress in Abuja, the congress said it can no longer watch to see Nigerians passing through the terrible situation as a result of the insensitivity of the government.


The communique signed by both the president and the general secretary of NLC, Joe Ajaero and Emmanuel Ugbuaja reads:


“CWC-in-Session after exhaustively deliberating on the crippling economic situation facing Nigerians and its attendant consequences of mass suffering, poverty and angst pervading Nigerian workers and peoples which are clear resultants of the insensitive policies and actions of the present Administration;


“Recalled that on the 29th day of May, 2023, the President of the federal republic gave Nigerians an inaugural shocking gift by increasing the price of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) from N185 to N500; this action was considered was strongly condemned by various Organs of Congress because of the massive suffering it imposed on the lives of Nigerians.


“However, as if that was not enough, the federal government through the instrumentality of the NNPCL effected a further hike in the price of PMS to N617 per litre without having addressed the dire consequences which the earlier hike had imposed on Nigerians. Other anti-poor policies have since been unleashed on Nigerians which have left workers and masses reeling and deeply impoverished.


“CWC-in-Session noted unfortunately: that the federal government has shown enormous disdain and contempt for Nigerian people and workers having acted and continued to act without regards to the welfare and cries of the citizenry.


“That Government seems to have declared a war of attrition on Nigerian workers and masses without any care leaving them to the throes of hopelessness and helplessness.


“That the federal government has refused to put in place safeguards to protect Nigerians from the harsh Economic situation that its policies have inflicted on the people rather it has decided to insult the sensibilities of Nigerian masses by offering us N8,000 per family and offering themselves N70b.


“That the federal government has frustrated and abandoned its own Committee which was a product of social dialogue between the government and workers organisations in the country. While the Committee has not met, the government embarked on unilateral actions and programmes.


“That since Mr. President’s “subsidy is gone forever” speech at inauguration day; the peace of mind of Nigerians has gone; decent living gone increasing despair of unimaginable dimensions.


“That the federal government has continued to treat Nigerians as Slaves and a conquered people which it treats with impunity without any concern on the consequences.


“That the federal government has continued in an unholy mission of robbing the poor to pay the rich in Nigeria as typified by its continued frustration of the activation of the agreed alternatives to Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) and new hike in prices of PMS to N617 per litre.


“That the federal government has continued to promote the gang up of the ruling elite against Nigerian people and workers.


“Observes that the federal government has continued to churn out without relenting policies designed to emasculate Nigerian workers and people via not just increases in PMS prices with its spiraling affect but also increases in VAT, increases in School fees across all Publicly owned Secondary and Tertiary institutions of learning


“That the NNPCL has turned itself into the forces of demand and supply and fixes the price of Petroleum products while mouthing deregulation.


“That Government’s conduct suggests it does not intend to commit itself to the MoU it signed with NLC and TUC.


“That Nigerians are outraged and have been putting pressure on the NLC to lead them in protest against the increases in the pump price of PMS 13. that the pressure has come to a breaking point and given Government’s continued indifference to the plight of the poor, resolved that, It would not be party to the killing of poor Nigerian workers and masses.


“That it is the responsibility of men and women of conscience propelled by patriotic zeal to take necessary action to protect democracy and our beloved nation since it is clear that the federal government is not interested in discussions having exhausted half of the agreed 8 weeks without activating the Presiden Steering Committee.


“The CWC-in-session subsequently resolved as follows: The immediate reversal of all anti-poor policies of the federal government including the recent hike in PMS price, Increase in Public School fees, the release of the 8 months withheld Salary of University lecturers and Workers and increase in VAT.


“The immediate inauguration of the Presidential Steering Committee as agreed in the earlier consequential dialogues.


“To begin the building across the nation of a Coalition of all Nigerians where all will be leaders and all will be followers.


“To call on all civil society organisations and Nigerians wherever they may be to begin mobilization to take action on their own to save our nation.


“To lead and organize mass protest rallies across the nation to demonstrate outrage against the inhuman actions and policies of the government.


“To give the federal government a Seven – Day ultimatum within which to meet all our demands and to embark on a nation-wide action beginning Wednesday the 2nd of August, 2023 to compel the government to reverse its anti-poor and anti- workers policies.


“To Consequently direct all Affiliates and State Councils to begin immediate mobilization and closely work with associations, individuals and other entities including the ones already on the streets to ensure that government listens to the people”.


.Medical services disrupted as resident doctors begin indefinite strike

The Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors has just declared a total and indefinite strike.

This is becoming barely 24hours after a meeting with the speaker of the house of representatives, Tajudeen Abbas in Abuja.

The speaker had pleaded with the doctors’ union to shelve their planned strike and allow for more negotiations.

But the union in a statement on Wednesday morning, said it can no longer trust the government.

There major demands are:

  1. Immediate payment of the 2023 MRTF
  2. Immediate release of the circular on one-for-one replacement
  3. Payment of skipping arrears
  4. Upward review of CONMESS in line with full salary restoration to the 2014 value of CONMESS
  5. Payment of the arrears of consequential adjustment of minimum to the omitted doctors
  6. Reversal of the downgrading of the membership certificate by MDCN
  7. Payment of MRTF, new hazard allowance, skipping and implementation of corrected CONMESS in State Tertiary Health Institutions
  8. Payment of omitted hazard allowance arrears.

It would be recalled that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu had earlier in June met with the leadership of the union where he promised to resolve all areas of trade dispute with the resident Doctors.

.We’ve down tools, say UITH, Plateau doctors

The National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) in Plateau State has joined other colleagues across the country to embarked on the strike action to press home their demands.


Recall, the association have been raising alarm over government inability to pay their allowances and other dividends.


Our correspondent who went various government hospitals in Plateau observed that the activities is grounded as medical personnel were not given desire attention to patients.


Speaking to Daily Champion through phone conversation, the chairman of National Association of resident Doctors Plateau state chapter, Dr. Artu Nshishen revealed they have already joint the strike action  adherence to the directive of the National body.


“We had our own local Congress meeting this morning around 8:00am, and following that we have no hesitation than to follow the directive.


“We have proceeded with the strike action as activities at the various hospitals has gone down, adding we have fully joint the strike”, the chairman narrated.


.UITH doctors join national strike

The Association of Resident Doctors, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (ARD-UITH), on Wednesday joined their counterparts nationwide by declaring an indefinite strike.


Dr Mubarak Ijaiya, the President of ARD-UITH branch, who confirmed this to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ilorin, explained that the action was in compliance with instructions from the national secretariat of the association.


According to him, the industrial action is caused by the disagreement between the association and the Federal Government on salary and welfare matters.


Ijaiya said that the association is demanding that the government should address all its six-point demands.


The demands included the immediate payment of the reviewed Medical Residency Training Fund (MRTF) for the year 2023 as contained in the approved 2023 budget in line with various agreements reached with the government, the president stated.


He observed that the agreement was for the government to pay all outstanding arrears owed members, including the hazard allowance and the skipping arrears of 2014 to 2016.


Ijaiya decried the massive low manpower shortage across teaching hospitals, saying that there is need for implementation of the guidelines on one-for-one replacement of clinical staff.


He urged the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) should discontinue the downgrading of the membership certificate issued by the West African Postgraduate Medical and Surgical colleges.


The ARD-UITH president lamented the hike in transportation members are facing, saying that they spend about N100,000 a month on transportation to their work places.


According to him, the economic situation has become unbearable for members, while advising government at all tiers to prioritise the health sector.

.Do more urgently to help masses, retirees tell FG


Mr Folorunsho Poroye, a retired Deputy Editor-in-Chief (DEIC) at the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), on Wednesday appealed to the Federal Government to do more urgently to alleviate the suffering of the masses caused by petrol subsidy removal.


Poroye, the immediate past Acting Head of Lagos Directorate of NAN, made the appeal during a send-off ceremony organised for him and two others who recently retired from the directorate.


The others are Messrs Abdulfatah Babatunde and Edwin Nwachukwu, DEIC and Assistant Editor-in-Chief,  respectively.


Babatunde was also an Acting Head of Lagos Directorate of NAN.


Poroye said that removal of the subsidy had resulted in high cost of petrol and other goods and services.


According to him, many Nigerians are finding it difficult to afford daily food and other  necessities.


He added that Nigerians’ quest to travel out in search of greener pastures had increased due to the economic hardship.


“Things are really getting though,” he said.


Poroye, who worked in NAN for 29 years, thanked God for grace, and thanked NAN management and staff for support and cooperation.


Commenting,  Nwachukwu thanked NAN for giving him an opportunity to excel  in journalism.


Nwachukwu,  who was a NAN Bureau Chief, United Nations/North American Correspondent, advised the agency’s workers to shun nepotism and tribal and  religious sentiments.


He advised them to prioritise hard work and excellence.


“Make more friends than enemies,” he said.


Also responding,  Babatunde advised NAN staff members  to be good to one another and make more impact on the their jobs.


According to him,  life is a stage.


Prince Sefiu  Ojetimi, also a retired DEIC at NAN, who came to felicitate the other three retired staff, described them as models.


He encouraged them to continue to do good.


Mr Joseph Idika,  Head of Lagos Editorial Operations of the directorate, said that the retirement of the three staff created a  vacuum.


He thanked them for their dedication to duty and exemplary lives.


“I suddenly found out that some big trees have been uprooted, I pray we have some fillers,” he said.


Mr Adeleye Ajayi, the Chairman of Lagos Council of Nigeria Union of Journalists, decribed the retirees as go-getters, great journalists, teachers and mentors.


He advised serving staff of NAN to emulate them to be able to distinguish  themselves



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