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State of the nation: Resign or be removed, ex-Wazirin Katsina tells underperforming leaders

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. Says Nigeria in real mess due to lack of will power, ailing economy, politics, corruption, hunger, insecurity



Fifth waziri of Katsina Emirate, Prof. Abubakar Sani Lugga, has admonished that Nigerian leaders who can’t perform their functions should resign or be removed to end the prevailing security, economic and political mess in the country.

Lugga, a member of Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, who issued the demand at a reception / Arfat Ramadan Breakfast for select journalists in Katsina on Friday night, bemoaned the precarious living condition of Nigerians and endemic corruption in the country.

According to him, “any Nigerian political leader who cannot perform his / her functions effectively; and any Nigerian traditional and religious leader who cannot give fearless, honest and sincere advise to the political leaders, should resign or be removed so as to allow those who can effectively perform to take over. Allah / God does not place a burden on any person beyond his / her ability.”

He further decried the perceived insensitive and callous neglect of Nigerians in the prevailing circumstances by many political, religious and traditional leaders in pursuit of their selfish interest.

The key founder and senior lecturer at Al-Qalam University, Katsina, who resigned recently as Wazirin Katsina after 20 years in the traditional institution, equally accused Nigerian leaders of clinging to power despite failing to creditability perform their duties and functions.

His words: “No leader or any other person for that matter shall have an excuse to posterity or to Allah / God for failing to creditably perform his / her duties and still cling to power. Therefore, any person who cannot perform anything should leave that to those who can perform. This is the fundamental command of Allah / God.”

Lugga, who is also a member of Sultan Foundation for Peace and Development and an executive member of Interfaith Initiative for peace in Nigeria, was optimistic about a way out of the present economic, political and security quagmire in the country, while dismissing the argument that there is general insecurity and economic crises all over the world.

His word: “A cursory look shall convince any fair minded person that there is relative peace, security and development where justice is the hallmark of its leadership and there is much turmoil where corruption and injustice pervade its leadership.”

He implored all eligible Nigerians to brace up and collect their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs) as their licenses to elect good leadership.

“If the existing political parties have not provided the requisite leadership materials, particularly at states and local government levels, people should draft quality materials into smaller political parties and give them all the required support to win, after all, that was done in 2015!

“However, the sale of voters’ cards shall lead to the emergence of the wrong leaders and this shall bring about more calamities.

“What transpired at the delegates levels at the political parties primary elections should not be allowed to appear at the general elections. Otherwise, may Allah / God save Nigeria!,” said Lugga.

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