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Sallah message: Obey rule of law, Ahmadiyya advises individuals, families, nation

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As Muslims all over the world celebrate Eid al Adha today (Sunday, June 16), Head (Amir) of  Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat of Nigeria, Alhaji Folorunso Azeez, has stressed the need for individuals, families and nation to obey the rule of law so that there will be justice, freedom, peace, progress and prosperity.

The Ahmadiyya Head, who stated this in his Sallah message made available to Daily Champion in Lagos on Saturday, emphasized: “The world is governed by the rule of natural law and positive laws. Where laws are obeyed by individuals, families and nation, there will abound justice, freedom, peace, progress and prosperity”.

Quoting Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V, Barrister Azeez stated: ‘A true Muslim can never raise his voice in hatred against his fellow citizens, nor for that matter against the ruling authority or government of the time. It is the responsibility of a true Muslim that he should remain loyal and fully abide by the laws of the land of which he is a subject.’

He said: “Conversely, disobedience to the rule of law carries the consequences of injustice, deprivation, violence, retardation, hunger, and poverty”, dding that: “Hazrat Ibrahim, his family and Hijaz as a nation has demonstrated that obedience to the rule of law is a panacea to goodness and disobedience on the other hand carries grave penalties. In this context, the Holy Qur’an declares that:“O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey His Messenger and those who are in authority over you.”

The Ahmadiyya head further stated: “Obedience to Allah is rewarding. There is no doubt that the faithfulness, sacrifice and obedience of Ibrahim, the submission, forbearance and patience of Ismail and the sacrifice and fortitude of Hajar all combine to form profound manual of values, standards of virtues and model of personal and national development for humanity at all times”.

He extended profound felicitations to every Muslim in Nigeria “as we join the rest of the faithful across the world to mark this year’s Festival of Sacrifice, commemorating the great sacrifice made by our Patriarch, Prophet Ibrahim (as), his wife, Hazrat Hajar and his illustrious son (as) Prophet Ismail”.

Pointing out that obedience to Allah is rewarding, Barrister Azeez said: “There is no doubt that the faithfulness, sacrifice and obedience of Ibrahim, the submission, forbearance and patience of Ismail and the sacrifice and fortitude of Hajar all combine to form profound manual of values, standards of virtues and model of personal and national development for humanity at all times”.

“It is now evident that obedience to the rule of law is fundamental to self, family and national development by extension.  As Khalifatul Masih V and Supreme Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) has stated in his past Eid-ul Adha Sermons: “Prophet Abraham(as), Prophet Ishmael(as) and Hazrat Hajira(as) (Hagar) attained this rank and made huge sacrifices in the way of Allah”, he also said.

Speaking on Loyalty and Patriotism, the Ahmadiyya Amir stated: “Hazrat Ibrahim and his family demonstrated the highest level of loyalty to Allah and patriotism to their generation”, adding that: “They have established that self-sacrifice and the sacrifice of one’s family in essential to a great nation”.

“It is not a situation that some sacrifice and others does not. As the popular Tradition goes:“Love of the nation is part of faith.” Hubbul watan minal iimaan (ascribed to the Holy Prophet). Truthfulness, Sincerity and Honesty The family demonstrated the highest level of truthfulness and sincerity in faith”, he further said.

On Good Governance, Transparency and Accountability as a Common value, the Amir stressed:”Hazrat Ibrahim and his family demonstrated good governance in the sense that both the leader and the led were absolutely committed to the principles of obedience to the rule of law, loyalty and patriotism, truthfulness, sincerity and common good”.

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