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Nigerians have lost societal values –Gov Diri

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Governor Douye Diri of Bayelsa State has decried the loss of societal values, tasking parents to pay attention to raising godly generations.

Diri, made the condemnation at the weekend while speaking with newsmen after his speech on at the ‘Mgbidi Lagos Experience Crusade’ at the Church’s headquarters in Ijesha, Lagos.

The Governor in his speech at the crusade which started on Thursday, January 5 and ends today, January 7, thanked God for his victory at the polls despite the strong oppositions

After addressing the congregation, Diri responded to some questions including where to make amendments in the electioneering system.

Diri stated:”Again it boils down to the people, the operators. We have good laws governing our electoral process from the beginning of party primary elections. Party politicians we do not obey our own party rules and regulations. Even when they are broken, there are no sanctions.

“People break it with impunity because of the positions they find themselves, of who they are or the kind of resources they have, that they can buy over the party or legal system. The problems are not about the laws, we have the laws but it still boils down to the character of the people engaged in politics.

“That is why my clarion call is for Christians to come into politics and not staying away. Apart from the power of God, the next power on earth is the power of governance. If you stay away, you are encouraging those who don’t know God coming into politics and become your rulers or leaders and you will be subservient to them”.

On the restoration of societal values, Diri stated: “On the other hand, those who are Muslims maybe their mosques. The moment we are able to get it right in our families, bring up your children in the way they should grow and when you give them the knowledge of God which they should grow in, certainly our society will be a better society. We will not have issue of terrorists and we will not have this issue of people who are groping in the dark and who do not understand why they are human beings and be assets in the society rather than be liabilities”.

For a better society

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