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Neuropsychiatrists Call For Implementation Of Mental Health Act By Federal Government

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The Association of Psychiatrists in Nigeria (APN) has called for the implementation of the Mental Health Act signed into law in 2023 by the federal government, to ensure individuals with mental health challenges have access to quality healthcare services and protection from discrimination.

The Mental Health Act was signed into law in 2023 by President Muhammadu Buhari in 2023.

The Mental Health Act is a law that tells people with a mental health disorder what their rights are and how they can be treated.

Speaking at a workshop organized by the APN in collaboration with the Neuropsychiatric Hospital Aro, Abeokuta, Ogun state capital the Association’s National President, Prof. Taiwo Jemes Obindo, advocated for the federal government to take swift action in domesticating the act.

He said the association is also advocating for increased funding to establish a dedicated Department of Mental Health within the Federal Ministry of Health and the creation of a Mental Health Fund to provide vital resources.

Prof. Obindo stressed that domesticating the Mental Health Act is crucial to prevent marginalization and stigmatization of individuals with mental health challenges.

He urged the federal government to take swift action to ensure all citizens have access to inclusive care and support.

The APN president highlighted that some states, like Lagos and Ekiti, have already domesticated the Act, and others are in the process.

However, he emphasized the need for the federal ministry of health to lead the way by establishing a Department of Mental Health Services, a Mental Health Fund, and a Mental Health Assessment Committee to drive implementation nationwide.

The National President said “Domesticating the Mental Health Act is crucial for ensuring that individuals with mental health challenges are not marginalized or stigmatized. We urge the federal government to take action and ensure that all citizens have access to inclusive care and support.

“ We now have a humane mental health act that speaks to the rights of those who have mental health conditions. Speaks to care for them. Their right to access to quality care. Nobody should discriminate or stigmatize them, the right to cooperate and to relate well. They must have appropriate and proper care until the person is insightful enough so it’s a whole package.

“The federal ministry of health needs to implement the act , yes we have some states where the act is currently effective, states like Lagos and Ekiti and there are states that are in the process of having it domesticated but we should start from the head, if the head is able to implement it, have the department of mental health services established in the ministry, have the mental health fund, have the mental health assessment committee, then you can then be able to push the states and the local governments.

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