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My administration has not marginalised any tribe or part, Zulum tells Marama community

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AHMED MARI, Maiduguri

The Borno State Governor, Prof. Babagana Zulum, has said his administration has not marginalized any tribe or part of the state, and assured the people of Marama community that his administration would continue to provide dividends of democracy to the people of the area.

Governor Babagana Zulum who said this while speaking at a Bura Cultural Day organised by the Marama community Development Association (MCDC) in Marama town, Hawul Local Government Area on Monday, said despite the numerous projects executed by his administrative, he expressed dismay over claim of marginalization by Prof. Hassan BDliya, who accused the state government of marginalizing Bura communities in southern part of the state.

“For somebody like me, I think it is an insult on me for somebody to talk about marginalizition, looking at the numbers of mega projects that we have initiated to this very important Local Government Area, Zulum added.

 He said even though he is Kanuri by tribe, he is fair to all minority tribes and he would not marginalize any section of the state.

“For me, I think Borno State is one; yes. I am Kanuri by tribe and under no circumstances since I assumed office as the Governor of Borno State I decided to sideline any tribe. I was not happy with the speech of one of your elders because this administration has performed better in Southern Borno than even in Northern Borno”, he stated.

He explained that in the history of Borno State, he was the only Governor to appoint a Christian from Southern part of the state as the Head of Service.

Governor Zulum said:  “This is for the first time Borno government had Christian Head of Service, I believed we are doing our best but we are all human beings, if there is anything wrong we did to the Bura community, we will rectify our mistake by God’s grace”.

“What we did in terms of capital projects in this part of the state is not obtainable in Borno Central and Northern Borno; we constructed so many roads and primary healthcare, we built various mega schools including Biu high Islamic school, we built several churches, we empowered your women and youths with capital and skills acquisition, among other things, all in Bura community”, he added.

He cautioned people to think before speaking to avoid saying things that may bring disunity among the people in the state,  adding that that under his watch, no section of the state will either be discriminated or marginalized,

Earlier speaking, the Guest speaker, Prof. Hassan BDliya, one of the elders of Bura community, accused Borno State government for marginalizing Bura community, saying that Kanuri tribe being majority has dominated the affairs of the state.

Also commenting, Chairman of Hawul Local Government Area, Inuwa Bwala, apologised to Governor Zulum on behalf of the Bura community for saying things that irked his feelings.

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