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Indefinite strike: FG, NLC meeting deadlocked

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As the 2I working day ultimatum given by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) to the present administration of President Bola Tinubu to act on cushioning the effect of subsidy removal draws closer, the federal government has said it is confident that it’s meeting with the congress would produce fruitful result that would avert the impending strike.

It said the gathering would produce resolutions that propel the labour sector towards greater strength, and the country towards a brighter future.

The Minister of Labour and Empowerment, Simon Lalong who stated this in an opening speech during his meeting with the leadership of NLC in Abuja yesterday, said that the harmonious collaboration between the government and the NLC will facilitate an environment where the workforce thrives, and the economy flourishes.

He appealed to the leadership of the congress to be open minded in their dialogue with government and consider the economic position of the country.

The Minister said “In recent months, our country has witnessed teething challenges, marked by industrial actions and unrest that have adversely affected the economy.

“I appear before you today not just as a representative of the government, but as an advocate for constructive dialogue, aspiring to understand your concerns and working hand in hand to find lasting solutions that benefit all Nigerians.

“I fully acknowledge and appreciate the invaluable role the NLC plays in championing for the rights and welfare of our workers.

“Your dedication and tireless advocacy have been critical in shaping a fair and inclusive work environment, and ensuring the wellbeing of our workforce.

“We acknowledge the valid grievances that have fueled the recent labour crisis, and we are committed to addressing them in a just and equitable manner.

“We must also recognize the economic realities that confront us. As we address the concerns of our workforce, we must be mindful of striking a balance that promotes economic growth and secures sustainable progress for our nation.

“Today, I call upon each one of you to join hands in an open-minded and constructive dialogue, enabling us to bridge any gaps that may exist between the interests of workers and the ultimate goal of driving economic advancement.

“In the spirit of unity and with utmost commitment to the betterment of our nation, let us seize this opportunity to listen and understand one another. Together, let us explore innovative approaches, reimagining strategies that enhance working conditions and worker benefits while nurturing a robust economy”,.

The Minister however said that discussions on many of the items, which NLC had tabled previously before the Federal Government, had not reached the final stages.

Meanwhile, at the end of the meeting, the President of Nigeria Labour Congress, Joe Ajaero, stated that the parties agreed to continue their discussions till they arrived at a meaningful agreement within the remaining days of the ultimatum issued for the commencement of the strike.

Ajaero said that the parties also agreed to work towards the resolution of the issue of the invasion of the office of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), and the arrest of its duly elected principal officers by government agents.

He noted that the option of strike was borne out of frustration on account of the debilitating hardship in the country emanating from the removal of fuel subsidy.

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