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.As group seeks NJC’s intervention over Justice M.B. Tukur NASS Tribunal verdicts in Plateau


From Daniel Dauda, Jos



Worried by the recent judgments of the National and State Houses of Assembly Election Petition Tribunal sitting in Jos, delivered by Hon.Justice M.B.Tukur penal against the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), a group known as veterans of Plateau State Youths has kicked against the verdict, seeking the intervention of National Judicial Council, NJC, to investigate a rationale behind the conflicting judgments.


You would recalled,Hon.Justice M.B.Tukur penal of the Tribunal nullified elections of; AVM Napoleon Bali, Senator representing Plateau South senatorial district, Hon.Beni Lar, member representing Langtang North/Langtang South Federal Constituency.


Amongst the four National Assembly seats suffered same setbacks of Hon.Justice Tukur is Hon.Peter Gyendeng, member representing Barkin Ladi/Riyom Federal constituency as well as Hon.Dachung Musa Bagos, member representing Jos South/Jos East constituency, saying PDP doesn’t have a valid in Plateau.


Speaking to newsmen in Jos the state capital on Monday, Mr.Yakubu Ibrahim-chairman of veterans of Plateau State Youths said that the learned Justice M.B.Tukur erred in law to have unjustifiably interloped into an area external to the core interest and powers of his court, hence his judgment should be revisited.


Ibrahim pleads, “that the legal technicalities and intelligence should not be used to nullify the victory of Plateau duly elected leaders. That the election of PDP members who have been duly returned and sworn in which are still pending in the tribunal should be upheld.


“The PDP cases that have been upturned by Justice M.B Tukur at the tribunal be restored back to the duly elected members of the PDP at the Appeal level.That the National Judicial Council and organs of the law, as well as the anti-graft agencies should investigate the matter for any external or pecuniary motivations that have probably informed the decision of the Said-Justices.”


He further posits that, “having confirmed the validity of PDP’s structure as evidenced by the plethora of earlier court Judgments delivered by Hon. Justice William Rotimi that PDP had complied with the judgments of Justice Gang and Kunda and; in line with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999, (as amended), Electoral Act 2022 as well as chapter 8 of the PDP Constitution, the tribunal, in the cases between Sen. Simon Mwadkon Vs others; Hon. Musa A. Agah Vs others, the professional judgment of the tribunal is resounding and commendable.


“In a similar professional ruling in the case of Hon Isaa’ac Kwallu vs others, the tribunal maintained similar cultured stance which practically have laid to rest the question of whether or not PDP has a structure. The tribunal in these cases unequivocally ruled that nomination and sponsorship of candidates for elections, was the singular duty of the Party and that the procedure of contesting such nomination was limited to, only members of that party, which must be through a Federal High Court.


“We, the Veterans maintain that the above decision is correct and in compliance with the provisions of our relevant laws.


“While we respect the sanctity of the Nigerian Judiciary, we nevertheless are perturbed about this recent Judicial debacle that is capable of setting the state in a needless strife.”

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