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Gwarzo harps for stronger partnerships with housing corporations for innovative solutions

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Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development, Abdullahi Tijjani Gwarzo has reiterated commitment for a continued collaboration between the government and housing corporations, in order to explore innovative solutions and best practices that would bring development to the Housing Sector in the country.

The Minister made the call when he received a team of the Association of Housing Corporations in Nigeria on a visit to the Ministry

Abdullahi Tijjani Gwarzo, underscored the importance of housing in the socio-economic development of any nation, noting that It was a priority for the government to ensure that citizens have access to safe, affordable, and sustainable housing.

He expressed optimism that the inadequate housing supply, affordability and accessibility challenges encountered in the housing sector would present opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

The minister acknowledged the role of the Housing Corporations of Nigeria in driving progress within the sector, adding that their proficiency in project development and management, as well as financing is crucial in addressing the housing needs of the growing population.

“By working hand in hand with stakeholders like you, we can harness our collective expertise and resources to drive positive change”, he affirmed.

Gwarzo further expressed his dedication to promoting a conducive environment for the development of the housing sector.

“This includes implementing policies that promote the construction of affordable housing units, improving access to financing for home buyers, and enhancing urban planning to create sustainable communities”, he stated.

Earlier, the Chairman of Council for the Housing Corporations of Nigeria, Dr. Victor Onukwugha emphasized the need for partnerships among the stakeholders in the Housing Sector, in order to figure out ways of improving the housing situation in the Country.

He called for speeding up of plans towards finding a sustainable solution to the challenges confronting the Housing Sector, which he listed as; Agric Villages Scheme; a special program aimed at addressing twin challenges of housing and food shortage, provision of organized Rental Housing, creation of Housing Data Base, state of the Nation Housing Address; aimed at monitoring housing activities in the country, usually presented at the annual World Habitat Day, among others.

In a statement signed by Badamasi S. Haiba,
Director (Information), Onukwugha further invited the Minister as a special guest to an upcoming 2-day National workshop of the Association on “Affordable Housing in Renewed Hope Agenda”.

“Our objective is to stimulate appropriate strategies for attracting unhindered funding of the development of housing sector aimed at changing, and repositioning housing as agent of economic recovery”, he explained.

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