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Gov Makinde warns trouble makers as Ladoja, others set to unveil  new Olubadan

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From: Joseph Okwuofu, Ibadan.



The controversy surrounding the ascendancy to the throne of Olubadan of Ibadanland after the demise of Oba Lekan Balogun came to a halt as the Otun Olubadan of Ibadan land and former governor of Oyo state, High Chief Rashidi Ladoja assured that Olubadan designate , Oba

Oba Owolabi Olakulehin will be formally pronounced as the next Olubadan of Ibadanland on Friday by the Olubadan -In-Council.


In line with the Ibadan chieftaincy arrangement, for Olakulehin to become Olubadan, he must be nominated by the next person to him in his line, Otun Balogun Tajudeen Ajibola, at a meeting convened by the most senior chief in the other line, (Ladoja) within 21 days of the demise of the monarch.


The Otun Balogun of Ibadanland, Oba Tajudeen Ajibola had at a press conference said the Olubadan designate, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin, who is also his immediate senior in the military line of the Olubadan system is not fit to become monarch now, a statement which sparked controversy in the ancient city of Ibadan.


Ajibola added that the Olubadan-designate be given time to be healthy before he is pronounced and that the seat should remain vacant for now.


However, the Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland , High Chief Rashidi Ladoja faulted position of Oba Tajudeen Ajibola over health status of the Olubadan designate, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin , describing such statement as not only personal opinion but inflammatory.


Ladoja said Ajibola only gave his personal opinion on the health status of Olakulehin because he is not a doctor.


But Ladoja while speaking with newsmen yesterday at his Bodija, Ibadan residence stated that Olakulehin is an elderly person and not expected to act like a youth.


“Ajibola is not 20 years old man, he is not 30 years old or 40 years old man, he is above 80 years, so, we can’t expect him to act like a youth.”


Fielding questions on weather Ajibola, who is to nominate Olakulehin as Olubadan at the Olubadan-in-council meeting on Friday can be substituted in case he didn’t attend the meeting, Ladoja said Ajibola if failed to attend the Friday meeting can be substituted with another High Chief next to him.


“Ajibola can be substituted to nominate Olubadan if he didn’t come to the meeting, I’ve already slated a meeting to Friday because tomorrow is a public holiday, if he didn’t come, he can be substituted.”


The stool of Olubadan of Ibadanland became vacant following the death of the 42nd Olubadan, Oba Lekan Balogun who died at University’ College Hospital (UCH) at the age of 81.


The Olubadan designate, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin last week Friday returned to his Alalubosa Ibadan, residence, which allays fear his absence has generated among the Olubadan-in-council, Ibadan and it’s environs.


The next Olubadan, according to traditional arrangement in Ibadanland is the Balogun of Ibadanland, Oba Owolabi Olakulehin.


On the controversy on the Olubadan stool, Governor Seyi Makinde warned that he would not allow anyone to cause crisis in the state regarding the Olubadan throne


The governor called on individuals  peddling divisive tendencies over the matter to desist from such acts.


He maintained that the due process on the matter includes the nomination of the next Olubadan by the Olubadan-in-Council and the forwarding of the same to his office, which is yet to be done.


Governor Makinde said this yesterday , when the Deputy Governor, Barr. Bayo Lawal, led Muslim Government Representatives and other Muslim functionaries on a courtesy visit to his Ikolaba residence, shortly after praying at the Eid Praying Ground, Agodi, Ibadan.


He added that once the Ibadan Chieftaincy System runs its full course, the government will take the necessary decision in the best interest of Ibadanland and and Oyo State.


He said: “Some people have kept talking about the Ibadan Chieftaincy System, saying it has got issues and all of that.


“But I said the Obas-in-Council are yet to make their nomination. When they make it, it will come to me and I will either say yes or no. But that has not happened. So, why are people focusing on things that are capable of dividing us?


“Those whose stock in trade is to keep looking for what to divide us should look for something else to do. They should rather focus on things that will unite us.”

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