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Freedom most precious in human life –Taraba Assembly Speaker

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Speaker of Taraba State House of Assembly, Prof. Joseph Albasu Kunini, has described freedom as the most precious thing in human life, adding that poverty in freedom is better than rich in slavery.

The Speaker, who made the assertions in a goodwill message to commemorate the 61st Independence Anniversary, stated that despite the daunting challenges and precarious situations facing the country, it has every cause to celebrate 61 years of freedom in the comity of nations.

He paid glowing tribute to the founding fathers of the nation and the fallen heroes, who fought to secure independence on 1st October, 1960.

The Speaker also urged politicians to rise up in unison to the great task of building trust between the people and the nation in order to have peace and stability in the country, just as he stressed that politicians should be mindful of their actions and inactions.

“Every 1st October, our nation, whether in good time or bad time, celebrates its independence anniversary and freedom.  We also remember our founding fathers and the fallen heroes who fought to secure our independence as a nation.  Freedom is the most precious thing in every human life; as a nation, we should prefer poverty in freedom than rich in slavery.

“As politicians, let us rise to the great task of building trust between the people and the nation in order to have peace and stability in our country. As politicians, we should be conscious and mindful of how our actions and inactions affect the people’s well-being,” he said.

The Speaker further enjoined Nigerians to uphold the pledge of national unity, so that the citizens would live together in peace and harmony.

“Let us use this independence anniversary celebration to show other nations that we are a great people from a great nation,” he said.

For a better society

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