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Flooding: Rep laments devastation in 35 Imo communities

*Requests assistance from NEMA, Refugees Commission, other agencies

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. Assures the banking public of the safety of funds in Polaris bank.

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The member representing Mbaitoli/Ikeduru Federal Constituency of Imo State in the House of Representatives Hon Henry Nwawuba has lamented the devastation caused by flooding in 35 out of 64 autonomous communities that made up the federal constituency.


Nwawuba who is also the Chairman of the House Committee on Legislative Agenda spoke on the matter at a  media briefing with some journalists in his office at the National Assembly on Wednesday in Abuja.


He said that the flooding situation in the federal constituency and other parts of the country had been a very serious issue of concern to him as a lawmaker and even the green chamber of the apex legislative institution of democracy as an institution.


The lawmaker said that the most recent flooding incident in the constituency had swept away 35 out of the 64 autonomous communities that make up the federal constituency adding that all the farmlands of the victims were destroyed by the ravaging flood.


He said:”  in terms of flooding, the situation in my constituency is the same as it is across the federation.


“There are 64 autonomous communities out of which 35 had been washed away by the flood this year.


“A total of 35,000 persons are already displaced at the moment by the flood”.


The Imo-born politician said that he had reached out to all the relevant agencies of the federal government for relief material to the victims of the natural disaster in the nation’s capital for immediate assistance.


He appealed to the National Emergency Management Agency NEMA, the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Displaced Persons NCRMDP and other agencies to come and donate relief material to the victims.


On the cause of this natural disaster, he noted that there had been incidences of heavy as well as torrential rainfall in many parts of the country leading to flooding and there is global warming.


The lawmaker also assured the banking public that all the issues raising dust on the possible takeover of Polaris Bank by the Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation NDIC of which the House had passed a resolution is not a cause for alarm.


He added that the bank’s acquisition process seems to have been substantially complied with and the depositors of the banks should not worry about whether their funds would be trapped.



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