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Eze Onwuzurike stresses  need for peace in every community, as they celebrate 2021 new yam.

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Steve Unegbu, Umuahia

It is a new dawn and  signifies progress in the entire old  Umuahia villages as for the first time since the creation of the two autonomous communities in Old Umuahia,that the people of Elu -Elu Old Umuahia autonomous community and their brethren the people of Old Umuahia autonomous community gathered together at the palace of the traditional ruler of Elu -Elu Old  Umuahia autonomous community, His Royal Majesty Eze Dr John Onwuzurike ,the Eze Amara III of Elu -Elu Old Umuahia in Abia state to kick off celebration of   the 2021 new yam ( Iwaji / Iri ji) festival.

Speaking during the ceremony,Eze John Onwuzurike stressed the need for peace and unity in every Community , pointing out that peace brings progress and development in a community.


He thank God for protecting and keeping  the people of Old Umuahia alive to celebrate the 2021 new yam festival,adding that it is by God’s mercy that it is possible.


He expressed tremendous happiness that the two autonomous communities in Old Umuahia , jointly celebrated the new yam festival, revealing that the people decided to celebrate the 2021 new yam festival in a low key as a mark of respect to one of their elders that died few weeks ago.


His words, ” I feel tremendously happy that God has helped us  to usher in this new yam festival,we thank God Almighty that made this  possible, for without Him ,it will not be possible.


” The two Communities in Old Umuahia jointly celebrated the 2021  new yam festival.We are all happy for this  occasion,it is by God’s mercy,some were not here last year ,this year we are happy,we really thank and appreciate God and I promise next year we will do it in a bigger way . Yam is number one of all crops ,God helps us to plant and harvest it ,so we are appreciating Him and we pray that next year and years to come,we will be alive to celebrate it ”


” We are doing it in a low key because our Nze Emeritus just passed away 3 weeks ago and we are in a sober mood ,we are not rejoicing ,we want to pay him that respect and celebrate in very low key,so that next year,we will come back to our normal way of Celebrating our new yam festival”



Speaking further on the dwindling economy of the nation ,Eze Onwuzurike expressed optimism that though the economy is bad ,but it could be made better, urging those at the helm of affairs of this country to try as much as possible to pay workers as at when due to enable them take care of their families and pay their children’s school fees .


He lamented  the deplorable state of  roads in Igbo land , saying ” we are in raining season , most roads are not motorable ,I urge  them to do the right thing as leaders ”





Commenting on the joint celebration by the two autonomous communities in Old Umuahia, he said, ” There is nothing wrong with it .It has been existing for years and that we do have two autonomous Communities now .All along the seven villages that is the Amasa ,was made up of Old Umuahia entirely, before the creation of the two Communities.

” Before I was back in USA ,I was praying for that we get 7 autonomous communities in Old Umuahia.It is a healthy competition and that will help us grow and develop, help our children to develop too ‘




Interacting with Newsmen shortly after the ceremony, Chief Sir Abel Nwoke ,Enyi oha I of Elu -Elu Old Umuahia said “we have two autonomous communities in Old Umuahia ,one is in dispute and this one Is not in dispute,Eze Amara III  has been ruling 5 villages ,now we are trying to decide so that all of us from the seven villages will  come together and be celebrating the new yam festival as one family” while urging people to allow peace , joy and progress to reign in the Community.



In there separate speeches, Hon.Onyegbule Osondu from Umuobutu Old Umuahia  expressed gladness that the two autonomous communities jointly celebrate this year new yam festival


According to him , ” Since the creation of the autonomous community,they have been celebrating it  differently,but for the fact that the Old Umuahia people are here to celebrate with Elu -Elu Umuahia, it signifies unity , good things ,it means light has entered our community, good things will come,God is gradually organizing things the way it was before, when we love ourselves and were telling ourselves truth and my advice is that let fathers always tell their children the truth ,so that we do not allow false hold to be in control,we are happy with our Eze Onwuzurike ,he is a good father and he is the only Eze in Old Umuahia Amasa now  .We do our Iwaji on Afor Ukwu day and today we are Celebrating at our Eze palace.It started with our forefathers and they handed it to us ,I am happy”



In his speech Prince  Obinna Ezeigbo of Umuezeala village Old Umuahia  , described old Umuahia community and Elu-Elu Old Umuahia  community as one family, and “we are happy because Eze Amara treats us like a father.He is a good leader sent by God .He has been handling the two autonomous communities like his own since the death of our Eze .


“He has been bringing us together so that things will be moving forward and he has been representing the two autonomous communities well ,like our father we are praying for him for more wisdom,he will live and reign long ”




In the same vein ,Hon.Chibuzor Ejimagba of Umuobutu village said his delegation came to felicitate  with Elu -Elu people because ,” we used to be one autonomous community as Amasa until they get their own,we are still one that is why we are celebrating the Iwaji together ,it used to be fun , when we are young ,but the discrepancies affected it ,but we are trying to correct it,we are one people .

We are here to  thank God because new yam celebration is to thank God, God created us 7 in Umuahia,we are brothers and nothing can separate us ”

Contributing, comrade Chief Mbara Dike ,the secretary of Elu-Elu Old Umuahia Eze in council, said  “Old Umuahia autonomous community joining  us to celebrate is the first of its kind since the creation of the two autonomous communities,we never had it together,but to the glory of God we are coming together,it signifies unity and peace, which is the major thing for society to move forward and I pray that the unification of the two Communities will continue in a bigger way”

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