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Empowering Africa’s Scientific Enterprise: AAS conference set for December

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The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is set to hold its 15th General Assembly and Scientific Conference in Abuja, Nigeria, from December 9 to 12, 2024


Professor Friday Okonofua, speaking on behalf of AAS President Professor Lise Korsten, announced the conference at a press conference, emphasizing its significance in promoting Africa’s scientific development.


The AAS, a non-aligned, non-political, and not-for-profit organization, aims to transform lives through science, with a tripartite mandate: recognizing excellence, providing advisory and think tank functions, and implementing key STI programs.


With the Theme” Empowering and Advancing Africa’s Scientific Enterprise” the conference is expected to have over one thousand attendees, with outstanding thinkers and stakeholders.


“The AAS with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya is governed by a General Assembly of nearly 560 elected Fellows from all African countries, and a Governing Council consisting of officials elected by the General Assembly”


“The officials consist of a President, a Secretary General, a Treasurer and five Vice-Presidents each elected to represent the five sub-regions of Africa. The current Governing Council was elected in July 2023 for a 3-year term. The 2024 Abuja Conference/General Assembly is the 5th in a roll, and is being held for the first time in West Africa”, he explained.


Its Subthemes include Health, Climate Change, Science Diplomacy and Science Infrastructure Agriculture. Social Science and Policy, Basic Sciences, Engineering, Digital and Creative Economy, Future Funding Mechanisms.


The conference will also admit new Fellows into the Academy and announce the recipient of the Olusegun Obasanjo Prize and other awards.



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