Champion Newspapers Limited
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Double tragedy for Akwa Ibom PDP as INEC replaces Umo Eno with Michael Enyong  

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•May soon be arrested for certificate forgery

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Akwa Ibom State is currently in tatters as the governor’s preferred candidate for the governorship position, Pastor Umo Eno, has been dropped by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) for Hon. Michael Enyong (aka) Baba Ntan.

As at the time of filling this report, the entire state is in festive mood, particularly PDP members and their supporters, who were initially not in support of the governor’s choice, on hearing the news of the removal of Pastor Eno from the ballot.

A visit to the website of INEC confirmed the story, as Enyong’s name with COURT ORDER is printed on the comment box.

It was also gathered that shortly after the replacement of Governor Udom Emmanuel’s preferred successor from INEC portal; unconfirmed report has it that the Police and other security agencies may by the strength of this recent development arrest Pastor Eno for certificate forgery.

It would be recalled that the former PDP candidate Pastor Umo Eno, was dragged to the Supreme Court by Mr. Akan Okon for alleged forgery.

Our correspondent gathered that there was wild jubilation across the State when the news filtered in that Pastor Umo Eno had been dropped by INEC.

For a better society

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