Don Harps On Correct Translation Of Bible Into Target Languages To Avoid Misinformation.

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Akaiso Akaiso,Uyo.

A professor of foreign languages and Linguistics in the University of Uyo, Prof. Effiong E.A. Ekpenyong has made a case for correct interpretation of Bible verses into other languages to avoid misinformation.

Prof. Ekpenyong who made the call on Friday in his inaugural lecture entitled, ‘The imperative of Translation after Babel, the Bible translation interface and application,’ opined that since not everybody understands the source language used in writing the bible, if the translation was not properly done could lead to wrong teachings with impartation of wrong doctrines and a large room for ambiguity.

He therefore suggested that churches should not be in a hurry to go into translation of bible when a person with proper understanding is not available to undertake the task, adding that even after the translation the script should be thoroughly vetted by a proof reader before releasing it to the public.

According to him, guess work should not form part of translation as doing so will mislead the readers from the original meaning of those who wrote the bible. He cited one among so many examples in Efik vernacular thus: “enye adama”, which when translated in English means “he goes mad” which was not what the bible author meant.

The 91st inaugural lecturer also suggested that for a good translation, the translators should have faith in the author, by this he meant the translators must believe in the bible, take audience and the text into cognizance. According to him, any translation without reference to these above is bound to be submerged in ambiguity.


The don who became a full fledged professor in 2018 but back dated to 2012, averred that communication in Nigeria is hampered by differences in Languages, pointing out that Nigeria needs French for good neighborliness and communication, than French needs us.


Thanking God for endowing him with wisdom even when he was not the one who chose the topic, the inaugural lecturer who held his audience spell bound as he made his delivery in English language, French and Ibibio vernacular, traced the origin of translation to the fall of Tower of Babel in the Bible.

“The world was originally monolingual in nature which made it possible for easy communication giving the builders the ability to build the tower of Babel. But when God saw that if He allowed this people to continue they will create problem for Him, He had to create confusion by making them to speak different languages. Hence, the need for translation.”

In his remarks, the chairman of the occasion and Vice Chancellor of University of Uyo, Prof. Nyaudo Ndaeyo described the inaugural lecturer as a quintessential presenter whose lecture didn’t need much translation to be assimilated by the audience.
Describing the lecture as apt and eye opener, the 8th and first alumnus VC of the university agreed into to with the lecturer that there is a great advantage in speaking more than one language.

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