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Bayelsa: Liberian Vice President, Koung, graces 2nd term inauguration of Diri, Ewhrudjakpo.

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Elizabeth Vincent, yenagoa
The Bayelsa State Governor, Senator Douye Diri on Tuesday, received the Vice President of Liberia, Mr Jeremiah Kpan Koung to Bayelsa State to witness his second term inauguration.

Governor Diri, alongside his Deputy Governor, Senator Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo and other top government officials, received the vice president and his entourage at the Bayelsa International Airport.

Vice president Kpang Koung is in the State to witness the inauguration/swearing in of Governor Douye Diri and his deputy, Senator Lawrence Ewhrudjakpo for a second term.

In his remarks, Governor Diri thanked the Liberian vice president for honoring his invite, saying that the relationship between Liberia and Bayelsa just started, especially in the oil and gas sector.

Earlier, Mr Kpang Koung, had appreciated the governor for the hospitality, expressing his joy being in Bayelsa State.

Mr Koung, said his visit will further deepens and foster unity between the State and Liberia and by extension, the federal government.

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