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APC condemns killings, postpones Kaduna town hall meeting

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The Kaduna State All Progressives Congress (APC) Campaign Council has condemned the attack in Kaura local government by bandits, describing it as shocking and unfortunate.


In a statement issued by the Director General, Professor Muhammad Sani Bello, the Campaign Council commiserated with ‘’ Malagum and Sokwong communities in Kaura Local Government Area, where several people were reportedly killed.’’


‘’The unfortunate attack which is coming on the heels of relative peace in Kaduna state, following ariel bombardment by the Nigerian Air Force and attacks by ground troops, has thrown Kaura Area Council, Kaduna State and the entire country into mourning over the loss of lives and properties,’’ he said.


The Director General said that ‘’as a mark of respect to the souls of the deceased, and in mourning with the families of the bereaved, the Kaduna State APC Campaign Council has suspended its Town Hall Meeting which was scheduled to hold on Wednesday, 21st December, 2022.’’


The statement said that the ‘’ Campaign Council is extending its condolence to the Kagoro traditional institution, the good people of Kaura Local Government Council and Kaduna State Government, over this unfortunate incident.’’


Prof Bello also said that the Campaign Council is praying ‘’ for the repose of the souls of the dead and we hope that the perpetrators of this dastardly act will be apprehended and brought to book soon. We equally pray for a peaceful and prosperous Kaduna state and Nigeria in general.’’


Prof Bello who is also the Mainan Zazzau, praised ‘’ the prompt response of security agents for containing the situation from escalating into another round of crisis and bloodletting

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